الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

In Continuation of its Commitment to Social Responsibility  

Central Bank of Egypt Supports the Development of the “Neonatal Incubators in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital” and the “Children’s Hospital Emergency Unit” at Ain Shams Medical City

Within the framework of state’s dedication to developing healthcare services in university hospitals — a cornerstone for delivering public healthcare services — and in line with the unwavering support from the banking sector to Ain Shams Medical City project, established under the presidential mandate to encompass 9 hospitals and 6 specialized centers, the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE), in collaboration with the National Bank of Egypt (NBE) and Banque Misr, has contributed in equipping the neonatal incubators unit at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital. Additionally, they contributed to the establishment of the Emergency Department at the Children’s Hospital, and both newly established units were officially inaugurated recently.

The CBE emphasized on its keenness to participate in the inauguration ceremony, which was attended by Prof. Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Deputy Prime Minister for Human Development and Minister of Health and Population, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research; Ms. Ghada Tawfik, CBE’s Advisor to the Governor, for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Prof. Mohamed Diaa Zain Al-Abedeen, Ain Shams University President; Prof. Dr. Ali Mohamed Al-Anwar, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Chairman of the Ain Shams University Hospitals Board of Directors, and Prof. Dr. Tarek Youssef Ahmed, Executive Director of Ain Shams University Hospitals, along with a number of officials and doctors.

In this regard, H.E. Mr. Hassan Abdalla, Governor of the CBE, endorsed the continuous commitment of the CBE and the banking sector to bolstering the development of hospitals and medical centers across Egypt, with a particular focus on enhancing the capabilities of university hospitals. These efforts align with President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi’s directives, which prioritize the provision of decent life for all citizens, especially the most vulnerable, through continuous improvement of the quality of services provided to citizens in all sectors, with a special emphasis on healthcare and education sectors.

The banking sector’s contribution includes supporting the completion of the Neonatal Incubators at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, which conducts 13,000 deliveries annually. This support also involves providing necessary equipment and furnishings to expand its capacity, increasing the number of incubators from 24 to 70, thereby enabling the accommodation of 700 infants annually, up from 222.

The banking sector also supported the establishment of an Emergency Unit for Children and a Blood Transfusion Center, aimed at serving patients across various specialties, including those with cancerous tumors and hematologic diseases. The project encompasses an emergency area, outpatient clinics, a pharmacy equipped with devices for preparing medications and chemotherapy, a blood transfusion and sample collection area, as well as a specialized clinic. Notably, the number of emergency stretcher beds rose from 9 to 25, while the number of beds in the blood transfusion mobile units increased from 12 to 45, leading to a substantial growth in the number of patients served, from 36,000 annually to around 72,000.

Noteworthy, the CBE was on top of the contributors to the development of Ain Shams Medical City, in accordance with the Presidential Decree issued in April 2021. This initiative aims to transform Ain Shams University (ASU) Hospitals area into a world-class medical city. The support involved the development of the Model Emergency Hospital, the Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, the project for procuring and contracting for medical devices and radiology equipment, as well as the completion of the Children’s Hospital Reception Unit and the project for the completion of Neonatal Incubators at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital.

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