الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Strategic Partnership Between RiseUp and Misr Italia Properties to Launch a PropTech Innovation Hub and Accelerator

RiseUp AI Summit successfully concluded its first edition, attracting a large number of entrepreneurs, investors, industry experts, and innovators. The summit explored the latest developments in artificial intelligence and its impact on various industries, reaffirming RiseUp’s commitment to providing an integrated platform that supports entrepreneurs in the technology and AI fields, reinforcing Egypt’s position as a regional hub for AI innovation. The summit witnessed “Sparky,” as the first-ever AI event host in Egypt, marking a groundbreaking step in showcasing the role of AI in events and modern workplaces.
The summit was held in collaboration with Misr Italia Properties at Cairo Business Park, East Cairo’s premier hub for entrepreneurship, art, culture, and innovation. During the summit, RiseUp announced a strategic partnership with Misr Italia Properties to launch an innovation Hub— specialized in PropTech, set to revolutionize the Egyptian real estate sector. The hub, which will be established within Cairo Business Park, will host a series of summits and events, including a major PropTech-focused summit organized by RiseUp, bringing together experts, investors, and entrepreneurs to take place next November. Additionally, the first PropTech accelerator in Egypt and the Middle East was announced, aiming to accelerate innovation in this vital sector. This joint effort reflects RiseUp and Misr Italia Properties’ commitment to building a smarter and more sustainable future for Egypt’s real estate industry.
RiseUp AI Summit achieved remarkable success, welcoming 2000+ participants, and 50+ exhibitors, alongside representatives from major global technology companies, including Google, Microsoft, and Orange. The summit featured insightful discussions on the future of AI in entrepreneurship, its vital role in driving the digital economy, and how startups can integrate AI to enhance their operations. It also included a series of engaging workshops on AI adoption and panel discussions addressing the opportunities and challenges AI presents across industries.
Commenting on the event, Abdelhameed Sharara, Founder and CEO of RiseUp, stated:“The sessions featured extensive discussions on how AI is reshaping various industries. The summit successfully reinforced the importance of encouraging startups and innovators to leverage the power of AI and turn ideas into successful ventures. We are constantly striving to accelerate innovation and help businesses, individuals, and communities make the most of modern technological tools. This commitment drives us to organize specialized events for various sectors, ultimately fostering collaboration, innovation, and success.”
During the summit, Ahmed Salama, Solutions and Technology Officer at Microsoft, led a session exploring AI’s transformation into an essential tool for business growth and innovation. The session highlighted how startups can leverage AI to enhance efficiency, scale operations, and create intelligent work environments. It also emphasized the importance of data, AI literacy, and foundational education in staying ahead in the rapidly evolving tech landscape.
The summit also featured a panel discussion titled “Transforming Marketing and Customer Experience with AI,” bringing together Hadeer Magdy, Principal Software Engineering Manager at Microsoft; Iman ElNashar, eCommerce Director at eXtra; Dina Sallam, Head of Data and AI at Orange Egypt; and Abdelrahman ElNaka, Head of Product at Robusta Technology Group. The discussion explored AI’s role in revolutionizing marketing and customer engagement, from personalized campaigns to intelligent customer experience solutions. Panelists highlighted real-world applications of AI that enhance interactions and deliver measurable results for companies.
Another key discussion was “Fueling Innovation: Investing in the Future of AI Startups,” examined strategies to unlock AI’s full potential, challenges facing entrepreneurs and investors, and pathways for fostering innovation and sustainable growth. The session featured Tarek Fahim, Partner at Endure Capital; Sara Enan, Principal at Salica Oryx Fund; Moataz Kotb, Managing Partner at Tektonik Ventures & Cultark; and Mohamed Aladdin Sadiq Abouelnaga, Executive Chairman of Exits MENA. Speakers emphasized the critical role of data, the continuous advancement of AI technologies, and the impact of strategic investments in developing a more sophisticated and efficient AI ecosystem.
A fireside chat titled “Redefining Real Estate: How Al is Leveling Up the Real Estate Landscape,” featured an in-depth discussion on the pivotal role of artificial intelligence in transforming the concepts of property design, development, and experience. Ahmed Seoudy, Co-CEO of Misr Italia Properties, Karim Shoukry, Co-Founder of Design Avenue, and Mohamed El Khatieb, CO-Founder of SEQOON participated in the discussion, sharing their vision on how AI can be leveraged to improve customer experience and optimize real estate operations.
The RiseUp AI Summit marks a significant step in shaping the future of technology in the region. It reinforced the need to explore alternative solutions to support businesses’ aspirations while highlighting the transformative role of AI in shaping the future of industries.

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