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فاطمة مهران

talabat Egypt Launches “t pro” Subscription Service Offering Exclusive Benefits for members

 talabat Egypt, the leading technology platform in e-commerce across the MENA, has announced the launch of its new “t pro” Subscription service, providing exclusive benefits to members. These include an exceptional unlimited free delivery experience from a selection of premium restaurants and talabat mart for orders above EGP 150, supermarkets for orders above EGP 180, and hypermarkets for orders above EGP 200. Additionally, members enjoy exclusive discounts of up to 30% on more than 400 products in talabat mart. This ambitious move reflects talabat’s ongoing dedication to improving its services, offering exclusive benefits, and delivering competitive deals that help subscribers save more, provide added value, enrich the user experience, and meet their expectations.
“t pro” subscription allows members to choose from flexible and diverse subscription plans tailored to their needs and preferences. These include a monthly subscription for EGP 79 and an annual subscription for EGP 799, with the added benefit of a full two weeks free trial. This allows users to test and evaluate the service before committing to a subscription. “t pro” service is easy to subscribe to and cancel through the talabat app, giving users complete control over their subscription. This innovative service reflects talabat’s dedication to offering modern, convenient solutions that simplify users’ lives in Egypt and provide them with real added value.
Commenting on the initiative, Hadeer Shalaby, Managing Director of talabat Egypt, said: “At talabat we are constantly working and innovating to meet our customers’ expectations and keep up with the rapid changes around us. ‘t pro’ service is part of talabat’s comprehensive strategy to provide innovative services tailored to our users’ fast-paced daily lives in Egypt.
She added: “The new ‘t pro’ service reflects talabat’s commitment to delivering the highest levels of convenience and flexibility to users. It represents a significant enhancement to customers’ experience by offering a wide range of options, exclusive benefits that enables them to significantly reduce expenses while effortlessly fulfilling their daily needs with enhanced ease and convenience.”
talabat Egypt continues its efforts to improve the customer experience, providing efficient delivery services that save money, time, and effort. The company meets customers’ daily needs through its extensive collaboration with over 10,000 diverse partners and strategic partnerships with more than 50 leading companies. These efforts underscore talabat’s dedication to innovation and its role in reinforcing its leadership in the e-commerce sector.

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