الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

3rd Annual Financial Restructuring MENA Conference concludes successfully in ADGM

The 3rd Annual Financial Restructuring MENA Conference concluded at the ADGM Auditorium, Abu Dhabi, following two days of high-level discussions, expert panels, and strategic from multi-billion dollar and complex cross border restructuring cases.

The final day of the conference featured a series of impactful discussions, starting with a presentation by Global Head of Distressed Assets Program (DARP) from IFC, followed by a panel on Emirates Hospitals Group’s AED 3.5 billion restructuring, offering key insights into navigating financial and operational challenges in the healthcare sector and strategies for securing new investor confidence.

This was followed by an engaging session that focused on purchase and sales of distressed assets in Saudi Arabia, joined by Saudi Awwal Bank, HSBC, Khoshaim & Associates, Alvarez & Marsal and Dentons.

Key industry practitioners from Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and European Investment Bank took the stage further to discuss restructurings from political conflict zones while Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton shared insights from the complex restructuring of Mexico’s Mega case.

The day further featured numerous highly engaging sessions that focused on private credit boom in the MENA, driving restructuring best practices in the region and concluded with a session that emphasized the event theme- turning around corporate collapses into stories of financial resilience.

The second day was further highlighted by the presence of the His Excellency Abdullah bin Sultan bin Awad Al Nuaimi, UAE Minister of Justice, who recognized the Event Advisory Committee and Partners – individuals and organizations who were instrumental in shaping the conference into the region’s premier platform for financial restructuring.

The 3rd Annual Financial Restructuring MENA Conference successfully facilitated high-level discussions, brought together key industry players and emphasized the critical role of stakeholder collaboration among other key facets in driving successful and efficient restructurings in the region.

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