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رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

EFG Holding Achieves ISO 20000 Certification, Reinforcing Commitment to Excellence in IT Service Management

EFG Holding, a financial institution with a universal bank in Egypt and the leading investment bank in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), announced today that it has achieved ISO 20000 certification, the globally recognized standard for IT Service Management (ITSM). This prestigious certification underscores EFG Holding’s unwavering commitment to providing exceptional service to its customers and investors through the implementation of industry best practices in IT.

The ISO/IEC 20000 standard, which draws upon leading frameworks such as BS 15000, a national standard developed by the British Standards Institute, “Office of Government Commerce” , ITIL v4 (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) standard, and  “Information Systems Audit & Control Association”, COBIT v5 (Control Objectives for Information & Related Technologies) standard, provides a comprehensive, technical and financial, framework for managing IT services throughout their lifecycle. This includes planning, design, transition, delivery, operation, and continuous improvement, ensuring that EFG Holding’s IT service management system is optimized from technical, financial, and human resources perspectives.

“Achieving ISO 20000 certification is a significant milestone for EFG Holding,” said
Mohamed Sayed Fathy, Chief Information Officer, EFG Holding. “This certification demonstrates our dedication to excellence and our commitment to continuously improving the services we deliver. It reaffirms our belief in adhering to the highest industry standards to ensure our IT services are managed optimally and aligned with best practices.”

The ISO 20000 certification complements EFG Holding’s existing ISO 27001 certification for Information Security Management, which was obtained last year. Together, these certifications provide stakeholders, including customers, investors, shareholders, and regulators, with assurance that EFG Holding’s information technology and security practices are compliant with the world’s highest standards. By achieving both ISO 20000 and ISO 27001, EFG Holding is reinforcing its commitment to building trust and confidence among its stakeholders, maintaining robust Information Technology & Security frameworks that ensure the integrity and reliability of its services.


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