الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

From Cairo to Aswan, Egyptian Food Bank Partners with 4,000 NGOs to Ensure Food Security for the Most Vulnerable Families during Ramadan

As part of its commitment to ensuring food security for the most vulnerable communities across Egypt, Egyptian Food Bank, the region’s first developmental institution dedicated to providing nutritious food to those in need, has joined forces with an extensive network of approximately 4,000 partner NGOs registered with the Ministry of Social Solidarity. This collaboration facilitates the implementation of a diverse range of initiatives and programs throughout the holy month of Ramadan in 2025, benefiting around 700,000 families and reaching 4 million individuals from the most underprivileged segments of society.

Egyptian Food Bank’s Ramadan initiatives include various programs designed to guarantee the delivery of sufficient and nutritious food to those in need, spanning across remote areas and the most underprivileged villages. These efforts encompass the distribution of Iftar and Suhoor meals through initiatives such as the “A share in an Iftar Tent” program, the “Iftar Meal” initiative, and the organization of charity Iftar tables. Additionally, the organization provides monthly food assistance through “Ramdan Happiness box”. Volunteers play a crucial role in these activities, serving as an integral part of the success and impact of these initiatives.

“Our true strength lies in the vast network of community-based organizations (CBOs) we collaborate with, approximately 4,000 across different governorates of Egypt. This extensive partnership allows us to optimize the utilization of available resources and ensure that food aid reaches the most vulnerable families with the highest levels of efficiency. The Egyptian Food Bank adheres to strict selection criteria when partnering with CBOs, which include administrative competence, financial sustainability, logistical capabilities, as well as strong community connections that enhance the effectiveness of food distribution.” remarked, Mohsen Sarhan, CEO of Egyptian Food Bank.

“Every year during Ramadan, we work on uniting the efforts of donor companies, volunteers, and our CBO partners to ensure that nutritious food reaches those who need it the most. These partnerships form a fundamental pillar of the Egyptian Food Bank’s mission and play a key role in enhancing the impact of our initiatives,” he added.

This year, the Egyptian Food Bank’s Ramadan operations are driven by its extensive network of CBO partners, which span across border governorates like North and South Sinai, Upper Egypt, Marsa Matrouh, and the New Valley. EFB is committed to training its partners and enhancing their capabilities to implement food programs in alignment with predefined standards, ensuring optimal distribution efficiency and the seamless delivery of aid to beneficiaries.
In collaboration with its CBO partners, Egyptian Food Bank aims to set up a number of Ramadan tents across various locations, providing Iftar and Suhoor meals to the most underprivileged, thereby alleviating their burdens during the holy month. Additionally, the organization is relaunching its ‘Tekya Al Mahrousa’ mobile kitchen to distribute freshly prepared meals in public squares across different governorates, ensuring direct access to hot, nutritious food for those in need.

In line with these efforts, Egyptian Food Bank is collaborating with the Ministry of Transport to implement “Iftar at the Station” initiative. This program aims to distribute 3,500 “Iftaar Saeem” packs daily throughout the holy month of Ramadan, totaling 100,000 packs. The distribution will focus on the busiest metro stations along the first and second lines, including Ramses, Attaba, Tahrir, Giza, Shubra El-Kheima, Gamal Abdel Nasser, and Faculty of Agriculture.
Egyptian Food Bank remains steadfast in its commitment to achieving food security in Egypt while maintaining the highest standards of transparency and efficiency in resource distribution. The organization continues to implement developmental projects designed to support community growth, guided by a structured strategy based on four key pillars; protection, prevention, empowerment, and enhancement. These pillars collectively strengthen the organization’s ability to address the needs of the community in a comprehensive and impactful manner.

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