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رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Celebrating Sustainability and Community Impact: SEKEM Hosts Carbon Certificate Awards Ceremony at Its Farm in Al Sharqiya



10 March 2025 – Cairo, Egypt: ISIS Organic, a subsidiary of SEKEM and a pioneer in organic food production, hosted a Carbon Certificate Awards ceremony at SEKEM Farm in Al Sharqiya governorate to celebrate a significant milestone in sustainability. The event brought together key stakeholders, partners, and sustainability advocates to empower them to take meaningful climate action through providing clear pathways to reduce their carbon footprint and achieve recognized carbon certification, driving impactful environmental progress.

During the Ceremony, 84 key accounts were recognized for receiving their first carbon credit certificates. Each certificate represents the offset of one ton of carbon emissions through the SEKEM Wahat project, a groundbreaking initiative that transforms desert land into thriving ecosystems through regenerative agricultural practices, including organic and biodynamic agriculture. This achievement highlights the growing impact of collaborative action in addressing climate change and advancing sustainable business practices.

The awards ceremony reflects SEKEM’s commitment to regenerative development through its pioneering Economy of Love (EoL) standard. Developed by the Egyptian Biodynamic Association (EBDA), the EoL standard provides a transparent and holistic certification system that ensures organizations adhere to ethical, environmental, and social sustainability practices while offsetting their carbon footprint. It promotes carbon sequestration, organic agriculture, fair trade, and social equity, empowering organizations to actively contribute to climate protection and sustainability.

During the event, Dr. ThorayaSeada, Director of the Carbon Footprint Center, provided key insights into the role of carbon credits in driving impactful climate action, reinforcing the importance of sustainable development and corporate responsibility.

HelmyAbouleish, CEO of SEKEM Group, commented: “At SEKEM, we believe in a holistic approach to sustainability, one that balances economic, ecological, social, and cultural dimensions. This event is a testament to that vision, engaging our community in meaningful discussions on environmental impact while celebrating real-world progress. ”

Through initiatives like the Economy of Love standard and a strong commitment to sustainabledevelopment, SEKEM continues to drive impactful environmental change. By fostering carbon sequestration, regenerative agriculture, and responsible business practices, they are shaping a greener, more climate-conscious future, empowering businesses and communities to actively contribute to a more sustainable world.




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