الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

EFG Hermes Completes Advisory on USD 163 Million IPO of Alpha Data on the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange

EFG Hermes, an EFG Holding company and the leading investment bank in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), announced today that its investment banking division successfully completed its advisory on the USD 163 million initial public offering (IPO) of Alpha Data, one of the leading digital transformation providers & system integrators in the UAE, on the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (ADX).

Alpha Data offered a total of 40% of its total issued share capital through the sale of 400 million existing ordinary shares at AED 1.5 per share, implying a market capitalization of AED 1,500 million (USD 408 million).

The IPO captured the attention of local, regional, and international investors, with the total book seeing double-digit oversubscription levels. The company began trading today under the ticker ALPHADATA.

Karim Meleka, Co-Head of Investment Banking at EFG Hermes, added, “The successful completion of Alpha Data’s IPO underscores the growing investor appetite for tech-driven businesses in the region and highlights Abu Dhabi’s increasing prominence as a hub for innovative companies seeking to scale. The strong demand from a diverse investor base reflects the market’s confidence in Alpha Data’s resilient business model and long-term growth prospects. Our ability to attract robust local, regional and international interest for this offering reaffirms EFG Hermes’ leading position in executing landmark transactions that connect high-potential enterprises with strategic capital, further contributing to the dynamic evolution of regional capital markets.”

Established in 1981, Alpha Data is one of the leading digital transformation and system integration services providers in the United Arab Emirates. Alpha Data and its subsidiaries operate across three key business verticals. The “Solutions” segment, delivering tailored IT solutions by integrating advanced technologies to meet customer needs, and working together closely with its main vendors. The “Services” segment, offering a comprehensive range of ICT services to support clients in the implementation and management of IT infrastructure. Lastly, the “Talent” segment, delivering specialized IT personnel to meet the growing demand for skilled professionals, including tailored recruitment with a focus on Emiratization, providing flexible contract talent through RAAS (Recruitment as a Service), as well as headhunting candidates for permanent roles through its Permanent Staffing Service.

This transaction represents a significant achievement for EFG Hermes in the GCC equity capital markets (ECM), further solidifying its position as the top-ranked firm in ECM for 2024 by the London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG). Building on its recent successes, including the landmark Aramco Follow-on Offering and two Accelerated Bookbuild Offerings for ADNOC Drilling, EFG Hermes has demonstrated its expertise in delivering rapid and efficient execution. The latest milestone is the successful completion of a USD 2.84 billion marketed offering of ADNOC Gas shares on behalf of ADNOC.

EFG Hermes acted as a Joint Global Coordinator and Joint Bookrunner on the transaction.

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