الرئيس التنفيذي
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رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Automobili Lamborghini accelerates in 2024: another record year for sales, operating income and deliveries

Automobili Lamborghini confirms the positive trend of the last few years closing 2024 with its best-ever results in terms of deliveries, sales and operating income. Despite challenging conditions in the automotive market, for the first time in its history the Sant’Agata Bolognese-based carmaker recorded revenues of over 3 billion euro (3.09 billion euro), an increase of 16.2% versus 2023. Operating income also grew, rising above 800 million euro to 835 million euro: a +15.5% rise compared with 2023. Operating margin remains at 27%, consolidating the brand’s position among the most profitable global players in the luxury goods sector.

Stephan Winkelmann, Chairman and CEO of Automobili Lamborghini, remarked: “Evolving the entire product range while continuing to grow: this is how we can summarize another record year for Automobili Lamborghini. Despite the difficulties in the automotive market and the highly competitive climate, in 2024 we recorded growth in all three macro regions (Americas, EMEA and APAC), confirming the global strength of the brand. These results highlight the strengths of our extraordinary team and fill us with confidence and determination as we embrace the next challenges in the sector, continuing to combine performance, exclusivity and innovation.”

Sales set a record high: in the year that just concluded, Automobili Lamborghini delivered 10,687 cars, breaking again the barrier of 10,000 units and registering year-on-year growth of 5.7%.

18 months of growth and transformation

Paolo Poma, Managing Director and CFO of Automobili Lamborghini, stated: “The company continued to grow from both a financial and a business perspective in 2024, confirming similar levels of profitability recorded by the leading global luxury brands. In this challenging context, our goal remains that of achieving sustainable growth from both a financial and environmental point of view, creating value for all our stakeholders.”

The record figures posted in 2024 mark the culmination of an unprecedented period of transformation for Automobili Lamborghini. In just 18 months, the company has completely renewed its range with the launch of three new models, consolidating its position in the segment and generating strong interest at a global level. The first model introduced was the Revuelto, the first V12 HPEV (High Performance Electrified Vehicle) from Sant’Agata Bolognese, combining the iconic V12 engine—symbol of Automobili Lamborghini’s heritage—with hybrid technology powered by three electric motors. Subsequently, the launch of the Urus SE further elevated the concept of the Super SUV, introducing innovations in technology, efficiency, and design, resulting in enhanced performance. Finally, with its strong character and completely redesigned engine, Temerario, presented at Monterey Car Week in August 2024, fully embodies Lamborghini DNA, guaranteeing an uncompromising driving experience.

Innovation, exclusivity, performance

Automobili Lamborghini stands out for a strategy that combines innovation, exclusivity and performance, key cornerstones of its identity and global success. The company invests continuously in research and development, experimenting with advanced technologies, next-generation materials and design solutions to improve its efficiency, sustainability and production quality. Through the modernization of its industrial processes and the adoption of cutting-edge systems, it has been able to raise the standards of the brand even higher, consolidating its role in the sectors of technological excellence and luxury.

The uniqueness of Automobili Lamborghini lies in the combination of exclusivity, rarity, and long-term value. Each model is designed to offer customers an exclusive experience, featuring an unprecedented level of customization, iconic design, and outstanding craftsmanship. Limited production and meticulous attention to detail help maintain the high desirability and residual value of Lamborghini vehicles over time. The continuous balance of tradition and innovation not only shapes the development of cutting-edge products, it also facilitates the adoption of increasingly sustainable and future-proof solutions. The constant research into innovative materials; the perfection of aerodynamics; and the optimization of manufacturing techniques guarantee an unparalleled driving experience, preserving the excitement, the distinctive style and the cutting-edge engineering synonymous with Automobili Lamborghini.

Lamborghini, a key player in Made in Italy

With production based entirely in Sant’Agata Bolognese and the consequent economic benefits generated in the local area and across the country, Automobili Lamborghini is one of Italy’s leading businesses and a key promoter of the Italian automotive industry at global level.

Automobili Lamborghini’s sustained expansion has also driven employment growth, with the addition of 1,000 new employees over the past two years, marking a 30% increase in the direct workforce. This growth has been possible thanks to the company’s biggest ever investment plan, aimed at supporting both product innovation and the development of the organization, with the objective of modernizing its production processes; expanding its manufacturing systems; and strengthening the sustainability of the entire industrial ecosystem.

On the back of these excellent results, Automobili Lamborghini is preparing to embrace a new series of challenges to consolidate the presence of its completely renewed range on the market.

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