الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Dr. Maurizio Viel opens New Integrated Medical Centre  in Dubai Marina

Cornerstone Clinic offers regenerative health and wellness alongside family medicine and aesthetics

Celebrated international plastic surgeon Dr Maurizio Viel has expanded his healthcare offering with the opening of Cornerstone Clinic, bringing regenerative health and wellness for the whole family into the heart of new Dubai, in a beautiful contemporary space within Grosvenor House, Dubai Marina.

Now open, Cornerstone Clinic offers a convenient location for family medicine, dentistry, aesthetics and wellness, with a full team of qualified professionals alongside renowned visiting experts from across the globe, with a mission of building health foundations from the inside out.

Dr. Maurizio Viel is no stranger to discerning patients across Dubai and the world as the founder, alongside his twin brother Roberto, of the London Centre for Aesthetic surgery (LCAS) based in Dubai Healthcare City. Practicing as a plastic surgeon on Harley Street, London since 1990, Dr Maurizio is also a regular speaker at international aesthetic congresses and is recognised as one of the world’s leading plastic surgeons and beauty specialists. For more than 20 years, the twin brothers have been responsible for pioneering and introducing most of the plastic surgery procedures that are available today making them sought after not only by patients but by medical corporations to help train other surgeons and doctors globally.

The opening of Cornerstone Clinic brings existing and new patients the opportunity to see Dr. Viel, his brother Dr Roberto Viel and their team in a new location on the other side of the city offering a luxury experience in the heart of Dubai Marina. Complementing the range of aesthetic offerings at Cornerstone, the clinic brings an opportunity to experience both invasive and non-invasive procedures alongside longevity and rejuvenation including IV infusions and stem cell treatments for the face and to combat hair loss.

Alongside aesthetic treatments, Cornerstone Clinic also offers family a full medical offering overseen by Dr. Ruhil Badiani MBBS, BSc RadSci, MRCGP, DRCOG. Dr Badiani graduated from Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ School of Medicine in 2005, with an MBBS and BSc in Radiological Sciences before going on to practice family medicine in London, gaining her membership to the Royal College of General Practitioners in 2010. She also obtained her Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in 2010 and has a special interest in women’s health. Dr Badiani relocated to Dubai in 2016 and her extensive experience has equipped her to deliver the very best care and medical advice as a specialist in the UAE since 2017, and as a General Practitioner in the UK since 2010. Dr Badiani has experience in treating patients of all ages and backgrounds and values the patient doctor relationship, whilst recognising the importance of psychological and social factors, as well as the physical factors, which contribute to a patient’s presentation.

Cornerstone Clinic’s family medicine practice covers care of chronic illness, paediatric care, ENT, allergies, minor injuries, women’s healthcare and family planning alongside immunisations, skin conditions and mental health care.

Patients at Cornerstone Clinic will benefit from the convenience of valet parking at the new clinic at Grosvenor House, with appointments available within clinic opening hours: Monday to Friday – 8.30am – 6pm and Sunday – 9am – 1pm.

Cornerstone Clinic is now open at Fourth Floor, Grosvenor House Hotel, Tower 1, Al Emreef Street Dubai Marina, and appointments can be made by calling 0504946377. For more information visit

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