الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران



●     Doors officially open today for the first ever metaverse into reality pop culture event in the region.

●     NFT Tickets are on sale starting from AED100.

 Metacon powered by GALA, the first ever metaverse into reality pop culture event in the region has officially opened its doors today, May 28th and is set to continue the action until tomorrow, May 29th at The Arena, Dubai World Trade Centre. To mark the beginning of this much-awaited celebration of the latest technologies in blockchain gaming and tech, eSports, NFTs, Web3, art, music, entertainment and more, Doctor Marwan Al Zarooni, member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council and the CEO of Dubai Blockchain Centre, was present to deliver the welcome address.


Metacon will be transforming its four zones, MetaStage, Metaconnect, MetaArena and MetaSpaces, into quadrants of action and edutainment.

Zone 1: MetaStage will host sessions and thought-provoking panel discussions tackling the most trending topics in the metaverse.

Some unmissable sessions on the first day include:

From Blackboards to the Metaverse Jason Brink, President of Blockchain – Gala Games
Metaverse Real Estate versus Traditional Real Estate Brandon Smith, CEO – Ethereum Tower

Jonathan Woolley and Calvin Ferreira,

Co-Founders – Metavest Capital

Tony K. – Metamasters

How to start a blockchain side hustle Kyle Chasse, Founder – Master Ventures

Jorden Oliwa, Head of Play to Earn – Ampverse

Distributed Organisation in Metaverse economics: From fractionalised ownership to distribution of wealth Erik Lydeker, Founder and Managing Director – Bapes and Pluck
Unique Opportunities in the Metaverse Supreet Raju, Co-Founder – OneRare

Jack Smillie, Co-Founder – Ethereal Collective

Feras Al Sadek, Head of MENA – Boba Network and Managing Partner – Ghaf Capital Partners

Jorge Sebastiao, Co-Founder – EcoX

How does the Metaverse tackle the climate crisis/impact the environment? Can the Metaverse really save our planet? Sam Katiela, CEO – Mamemo Consulting
Never-Before-Released Slam-Girl Superhero created in 2000 by Stan Lee and Marvel Animator Will Meugniot Shirrel Rhoades, Former Executive Vice President of Marvel Entertainment

The MetaStage will also be the site for the Metavator Challenge, a unique pitch competition and the first of its kind platform for innovators in the metaverse, NFT, gaming and web3. Organised by One&Only with the support of Dubai Youth Council, the presentations will be held on the second day with prizes that cover AED 75,000 Cash, NFTs, mentorship support, investor connect and more.

Zone 2: Metaconnect will feature more intimate workshops focused on practical and useful tips on kick-starting one’s blockchain journey. Some of the topics to look forward to include:

·       Metaverse 101: An Introduction to the Metaverse

·       The Importance of Discord, Creating and Minting NFTs

·       How to move your business into the Metaverse

·       How to trade NFTs on key platforms

·       How to move your Business into the Metaverse

Zone 3: Those looking to network directly with trailblazing entities and personalities can get up close and personal with them in an entire exhibition zone at MetaSpaces which features:

·       The biggest blockchain-based games like FOTA, Medabots, Town Star and Spider Tanks, to name a few

·       The NFT Artists Alley, sponsored by Rakuza NFT Marketplace who will be bringing the first Manga and Anime NFT project that will be whitelisted and available exclusively at Metacon;

·       The BAPES Lounge, the central hub and networking area at Metacon where entrepreneurs, startups, and SMEs can network and learn more about how to utilise and leverage blockchain technologies

·       An NFT Gallery curated by Ethereal Collective, who will be bringing artwork and collections from high level artists including Etherium Towers and World of Women, a bluechip NFT.

Zone 4: With the support of the Emirates Esports Federation, the MetaArena stage will see eight international guilds competing in the first ever block chain, multi game esports tournament featuring titles such as Axie Infinity, Thetan Arena and Spider Tank with a total of USD50,000 cash prize pool. Other gaming titles include Fight Legends, Medabots and Swift Blowout which will have mini, community tournaments running on the MetaArena.


Tickets for MetaCon are available via metaconglobal.com, with every ticket giving the buyer the opportunity to mint it and turn into an NFT! Categories include:

·       WAGMI for a day pass and FOMO for a weekend pass, both inclusive of a Metacon One NFT Token giving visitors an always-on access to future NFT drops, exclusive events, networking sessions, online sessions and more at Metacon and beyond.

·       ALPHA, the collectors ticket and the highest ticket category, will also be sold in limited quantity and includes a special Metacon edition gift, Slam-Girl Debut Collectors Poster, weekend access to the show, all the perks of the Metacon One NFT Token plus a mystery box of NFTs with a collection of NFTs from Metacon Edition One partners and participating projects.

WAGMI | 1 Day General Admission AED 100
WAGMI | 1 Day General Admission buying at the door AED 150
FOMO | 2 Day General Admission AED 150
FOMO| 2 Day General Admission buying at the door AED 200
ALPHA | Collectors Ticket (2 Day) AED 500
ALPHA | Collectors Ticket (2 Day) buying at the door AED 750

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