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فاطمة مهران


Afnan Perfumes has developed an innovative retail space to launch their new collection: Historic. “We have created a digital space as an extension of our collection vision, providing perfumes lovers a different touch point to experience the brand and collection look, feel and experience.” – Imran Fazlani, founder, nose and managing director of Afnan Perfumes LLC.

Afnan Perfumes, a UAE-born and global perfume brand, has crafted a distinctive virtual reality experience to launch their latest collection: Historic. Showcasing their trending and innovative brand mindset, the international brand has built a unique Meta Retail Exhibition to extend their known #CraftedbyAfnan concept to generation Z and Alpha that are unlimited craving experiences for their global community.

The brand is making its first excursion into the metaverse, following in the footsteps of major innovative global companies. Afnan Perfumes follows the brand intuition to “Get Involved” and enjoy the journey. “Bringing to life our Historic Collection in the metaverse world has been a fun, bold and strong statement. We have and will continue to grow our recognized international fragrance portfolio, but we are also committed to nurturing a powerful and actively involved global perfumes lovers community and culture. We are excitingly intrigued by how all the innovations will spark new ways to connect with all our audiences that integrate multiple generations. Fazlani comments, “We are enthusiastic to see how all our Afnan-Lovers will enjoy all the different retail languages, cultures and environments we can offer. We are ready to try different ways to express our brand and discover more about this new era.”

Generations Z and Alpha are a new demanding public for all offers in the market. However, this new customer segment is closer to beauty brands and is very tech addicted. Carolina Salas-Tapia, CEO and Founder of 6W Agency – Afnan Perfumes marketing agency – comments, “We have built this Virtual Afnan Space as new customers crave experiences, culture, environments and storytelling more than buy for $x. With this technology and platforms, we can share brands and products’ stories, narratives, contexts and uniqueness with millions. For example, Afnan Perfumes’ collections are more than a composition of ingredients, and we ensure that the DNA of the collection is reflected in all possible experiences all customers might have. Look, feel and emotions that the brand and fragrance envision and the image it projects can make the audience aspire and feel inspired, ending with a customer’s consideration as a result of relating with the brand personality.”

For beauty brands, it’s no longer a matter of pushing for customer acquisition via paid media but launching a culture and sense of belonging for their community. Especially the beauty industry, through numerous brands, is now trying to master the cultural codes of these universes. “We are committed to having fun interacting with customers through every platoform and connecting as much as possible. Sometimes you just need to try and have fun.”- Imran comments. “People can say that beauty products are challenging to convert unless you smell, apply or feel the unique formula. Still, it depends on who your audience is as for new generations it is 100% possible. ” – Carolina adds.

While the metaverse retail industry is a work in progress sale system, it is navigating through a daily growing experience. Metaverse is providing unlimited tools, and it is believed it will soon become a new one-stop shop for retails. We hope to see many new innovative beauty approaches in the upcoming beauty world in 2022 and continue to be mesmerized by the development this industry is seeding towards.

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