الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Seqoon Launches in Dubai, Offering Fractional Holiday Home Ownership


, Seqoon, the MENA region’s first holiday home fractional ownership company, is proud to announce its expansion into the UAE market, with the launch of its premier properties in the vibrant city of Dubai. This strategic move underscores Seqoon’s commitment to becoming the foremost platform for holiday home buyers in the region.

Launched in 2022, Seqoon set out with a mission to redefine the real estate ownership experience. The company’s innovative approach breaks down affordability barriers, offering users a seamless and hassle-free way to own pieces of luxury real estate. The growing demand saw the company raise its first funding round and expand across several destinations in Egypt, such as El Gouna and the North Coast.

Unlike traditional property ownership, Seqoon users invest in fractions of holiday homes, all managed by Seqoon’s dedicated property teams. Ownership fractions provide users with an annual balance of nights within their chosen property. This unique model grants users the flexibility to schedule stays, rent out nights for returns, or retain shares for potential future sales.

By owning fractions, users experience a more flexible approach to ownership and are enabled to diversify their properties portfolio; the property management services also further enhance the ownership experience, relieving users of the burdens associated with maintenance, utilities, and cleaning.

Mohamed El Khatieb, Co-Founder and COO of Seqoon, expressed his enthusiasm about the Dubai launch, stating, “Dubai’s dynamic real estate market and thriving tourism aligns perfectly with Seqoon’s mission of making property ownership more accessible and enjoyable. We’re thrilled to introduce our innovative model to the vibrant city of Dubai .

” The Dubai real estate market has seen a significant growth in transactions in 2023 with a 40% YoY increase in Q3 in 2023, with the majority of purchases made by foreigners and overseas investors. The city also hosted more than 14 million visitors in 2022, highlighting it as one of the globe’s top holiday destinations.

Seqoon’s entry into Dubai marks a significant stride towards reshaping the real estate and hospitality landscape in the region through technology. The company envisions a future where luxury living is within reach for a broader audience, setting new standards for holiday home ownership.

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