الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Electrolux Group Egypt maintains its yearly participation in the Sweden National Day celebrations

Electrolux Group, the world leader in the production and manufacturing of electrical appliances, graciously participated in the commemoration of Sweden’s National Day at the esteemed Swedish Embassy in Egypt.

In this luminous ambiance, Electrolux Group Egypt is honored to participate in the festivities of the National Day of Sweden, a huge event held each year in Cairo at the Ambassador’s residence – bringing together a diverse array of guests from Egyptian, Swedish, and other backgrounds, including esteemed diplomats, government officials, and public figures, as well as aspiring youth, scholars, and members of civil society and the media.

The theme for this year’s Sweden Day is “Celebrating 50 years of ABBA!” – the legendary Swedish pop supergroup formed in Stockholm in 1972. ABBA’s enchanting melodies have transcended borders and united music enthusiasts worldwide. Their enduring legacy serves as a testament to the power of music in creating cultural connections, including those between Sweden and Egypt.

The presence of Electrolux Group Egypt at the Swedish Day celebration event, attributed to Electrolux Group Egypt’s status as one of the major companies operating in Sweden, offers a valuable platform for the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and potential collaboration across various industries. Additionally, it offers an opportunity for Electrolux Group Egypt to showcase its expertise in the market, highlight Swedish innovations to a diverse audience, and foster connections and partnerships that can drive mutual growth and success.

Maissam Hannawi, Managing Director of Electrolux Group Egypt, expressed his enthusiasm for participating in the prestigious national Swedish day festivities this year. He said: “This event presents a splendid chance for Swedish enterprises in Egypt to enhance their presence and disseminate information about their ventures, initiatives, and quality products. It contributes to highlighting the role of Swedish companies in supporting the Egyptian economy through investment, providing numerous job opportunities, and exporting to the Middle East, Africa and Europe.”

Mr. Hannawi further added: “Being a part of the festivities enables Electrolux Group Egypt to engage with various sectors of the Egyptian community who have a keen interest in Swedish products, including policymakers, entrepreneurs, media representatives, and youth. It also serves as a testament to our business’s dedication and contribution to the Egyptian Economy.”

It is worth noting that the participation of Electrolux Group Egypt in this significant event is a result of its status as the leading company in Sweden and the Egyptian market, renowned for its expertise in crafting top-tier appliances that cater to the needs of customers globally. With a strong foothold in the Household Appliances market in Egypt, Electrolux Group Egypt initiated its investments in the country back in 2011 by acquiring the Egyptian Olympic Group, the largest home appliance manufacturer in the Middle East.

Through the establishment of new factories and production lines, Electrolux Group Egypt has solidified its position as the largest foreign investor in the electrical appliances sector in Egypt. Presently, Electrolux Group Egypt proudly distributes its products in over 27 countries worldwide.

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