الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

LG Egypt donates electrical appliances to “Al-Nour W Al-Amal Association” for visually impaired girls

  Under the slogan “Life’s Good”, LG Egypt has cooperated with the Misr El Kheir Foundation in order to improve the efficiency of services provided to partner community institutions that need direct support and assistance in disbursing their activities.

LG Egypt has made an in-kind donation of a number of electrical appliances to the Al-Nour W Al-Amal Association for the Care of visually challenged girls supported by Misr El Kheir for the past 12 years. The association provides free of charge accommodation and comprehensive care for 54 blind girls, offering education, training, medical, psychological, and social support to help them integrate into society.
The unique Orchestral Music Institute of Al-Nour W Al-Amal, entirely composed of visually challenged musicians who play classical and advanced Arabic music without reading music notes or relying on a famous maestro’s baton, transforms visual music notes into Braille. The musicians memorize and train on these notes.
Al-Nour W Al-Amal Orchestra perform concerts inside and outside Egypt in the most famous international opera houses, where the orchestra have traveled to more than 33 countries around the world.
The in-kind donation from LG Egypt comes within the framework of the company’s strategy and goal to achieve the actual meaning of its global slogan “Life’s Good” by participating in various social responsibility initiatives and in the context of the memorandum of understanding between LG and Misr El-Kheir Foundation, which stipulates the company’s commitment to provide support. Directing the institutions and associations supported by the Misr El-Kheir Foundation in several fields, with the aim of raising the efficiency of the services provided by these institutions and providing a decent life for people in need of care in all governorates of Egypt.

For his part, Mohamed El-Gedawy, PR and Marketing Manager at LG Egypt, commented: “LG Egypt has always been proud of its cooperation with the Misr El-Kheir Foundation in all social responsibility initiatives in various fields, and that is why we are proud of our contribution to raising the efficiency of the services provided to orchestral girls. Supporting exceptional talents and providing all available capabilities to develop them among the most deserving groups is considered an influential step towards implementing the company’s strategy, which is based on creating a better Egyptian society for future generations under the company’s global slogan, “Life’s Good.”

In the same context, Mr. Magdy Muharram, Head of “Aspects of Life” at the Misr El-Kheir Foundation, highlighted the continuous financial support provided to Al-Nour W Al-Amal Music Institute since 2013 until now in the implementation of the foundation’s vision of building capabilities and achieving human dignity, as well as the foundation’s goal. The strategy is to pay attention to culture and arts and enhance opportunities for integration and accessibility for people with disabilities as an essential component for building an integrated society by building a system of cultural values in society that respects diversity and difference so that its members are able to bring about positive change. Muharram extended his gratitude to LG for their collaboration and in-kind donations benefiting visually challenged girls at the Al-Nour W Al-Amal Association, supported by Misr El-Kheir Foundation.

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