الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Travel Beyond Boundaries with the Galaxy Z Fold6 and Z Flip6

When Galaxy AI meets the intuitive versatility of the Galaxy Z series, new ways of communication open up — particularly for travelers. With Galaxy AI, Samsung is making it much easier, more natural, and more enjoyable than ever before to experience the world.

Whether exploring new places or sightseeing occasionally, AI is opening new opportunities to experience the world like never before while removing common communication barriers. With Samsung’s advanced Interpreter feature, language barriers are no longer an issue, while Composer and Suggested replies facilitate quick, easy communication on the go, making Galaxy AI on the latest Galaxy Z series your perfect travel companion.

Seamless Live Translation No Matter the Situation
Visiting a museum is a great way to learn about the local history and culture, but language barriers can stop users from being fully immersed in a new experience. Interpreter transforms their Galaxy Z series device into a real-time translation tool and maximizes the dual-screen capability.

In Listening Mode, users can join a museum tour in another language and see the transcript, so they don’t miss any must-see parts of the exhibition. Plus, if they’re wearing Galaxy Buds3, they’ll hear an audio translation of the tour so they can go hands-free and really focus on what’s on show while walking around some of the most iconic venues on earth.

While on their travels, ordering food and drink means they interact with locals regularly. Conversation Mode in Interpreter enables easy conversations with someone in another language and thanks to the dual-screen functionality of the Galaxy Z series, they can switch their device into FlexMode so both parties can see the conversation translated in a more natural way. The interpreter translates every interaction so they can communicate seamlessly in 16 languages, with 20 supported languages expected by the end of this year.

Effortless Messaging Without Language Barriers
Samsung’s smartphones are a tool for sharing their thoughts and when traveling we don’t just interact by voice, but via text too. Writing emails in another language can be difficult and when writing something quickly on the go, formatting and accuracy can be impacted too. With Chat Assist, generating emails becomes effortless meaning users just need to input a few simple keywords and Galaxy AI will generate a suitable message in no time for them to review, edit if needed, and send while on the move.

Chat Assist enhances sentence structure, refines expressions, corrects grammatical errors, and even generates complete sentences to save time while adjusting the tone to match user’s personal style. Plus, it overcomes language barriers by supporting multiple languages so they can effortlessly communicate with someone that they might not otherwise be able to understand. Chat Assist can even draft a social media post based on their previous posts so they can quickly upload and keep going on their travels.

Responses on the Go
The Suggested replies feature for Chat Assist is perfectly suited for the Galaxy Z Flip6, making the most of the FlexWindow so users can reply on the go, right from their pocket. They can communicate with friends, family, colleagues, or others all without compromising their own tone and style.

Galaxy AI is no longer just potential. It has become a practical, everyday tool that enhances the daily lives of users. Samsung is committed to breaking down barriers and empowering users to make the most of new and existing experiences, including while traveling. No matter where users are or who they are communicating with, they can interact in all new ways thanks to Galaxy AI on the latest Galaxy Z series. A powerful communication tool that fits perfectly in both their palm and pocket — allowing them to explore and engage like never before.

It is worth noting that Samsung has unveiled its strategy to integrate artificial intelligence into home appliances by the end of this year, and Samsung’s voice assistant Bixby will play a central role in this initiative, as it works to interact more deeply, allowing it to understand complex sentences and engage in natural conversations.

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