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Upgraded Samsung Food Raises the Bar for Food Experiences at IFA 2024

Samsung Electronics unveiled a new set of features and updates for its “Samsung Food” app — an AI-powered food and recipe platform — at the IFA 2024 International Electronics and Home Appliances Exhibition, which kicked off last Friday, September 6, and ran through Tuesday, September 10.

Samsung announced these updates and new features to celebrate the first anniversary of “Samsung Food” launch at last year’s IFA. Since its debut, the platform has attracted over six million users, making it an essential tool for meal planning and cooking in modern homes. The most popular features of the platform include “Recipe functions,” “Shopping List,” and the “Meal Planner” for easy meal preparation.

“As people look to get more out of their food — with help from their appliances — we’re thrilled to be upgrading Samsung Food with different types of powerful new functionality,” said Moohyung Lee, EVP and Head of Customer Experience Team for Digital Appliances Business at Samsung Electronics. “Moving forward, with a key focus on user experiences, we will continually enhance the platform with AI and other technologies to support the preparation of easier, simpler, and healthier meals.”

Samsung Food is a holistic food platform available on various Samsung devices, including and beyond home appliances. Samsung Food+, the premium subscription service of Samsung Food, elevates the experience by integrating a health profile and goals, providing personalized meal plans with recipe recommendations. And now, AI is being added to bring differentiated functionality to users around the globe.

Samsung is making food preparation more convenient by rolling out the Vision AI technology for Samsung Food+, which allows users to add items to their Food List by simply snapping a photo of their food items with a smartphone. This functionality means that users owning Bespoke refrigerators with a Family Hub™️ screen without AI Vision Inside — the internal camera that recognizes food items that go in and out of the fridge — can now also easily add items with photos to their Food List.

Other benefits of the Samsung Food+ subscription service include automatically adding purchased ingredients to the Food List when users check out at the store or online, and searching for recipes based on the contents of the Food List. Users can also get alerts to help them use the items before they manually set use-by-date, helping reduce food waste.

Samsung Food+ further provides meal plans based on users’ Food List to support sustainable food practice goals by personalizing each plan based on the ingredients in users’ Food Lists, prioritizing those nearing use-by-date. With the new “Search with Your Food List” feature, recipes using the ingredients listed in their Food Lists will show on top of the search results to help users with ideas on what can be made with what they have. Recipe recommendations are also provided based on the Food List. Whatever has been used from the Food List is recommended to be added to the Shopping List. This intelligent approach helps inventory maintenance and reduces food waste while ensuring fresh, tasty meals.

Samsung Food now features enhanced tools designed to support users to better maintain their health and to reach wellness goals. The platform provides nutrition-focused meal plans that track and monitor caloric intake within daily meal schedules, whether for recipes or individual food items. It offers “Tailored for You” plans , delivering weekly recipe and snack recommendations based on users’ nutritional needs , chosen diets and previous recipe preferences. The system tracks macronutrient intake within daily meal plans and allows customizable calorie and macronutrient targets for individual health objectives. While Samsung Food users receive three days of recommendations per week, paid and subscribed Samsung Food+ users benefit from a full week of recommendations, with the intelligent platform also factoring in the manually set use-by-dates of ingredients.

Now available in eight languages across 104 countries, Samsung Food will ensure that all updates are accessible in each of the eight languages and regions of availability.

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