الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران


 Today, General Motors (GM) Egypt celebrates its millionth locally produced vehicle milestone at the 6th of October Plant in Egypt, reinforcing the organization’s commitment to the country’s economic development plan and GM’s global growth goals.

Since the establishment of GM Egypt in 1983, the manufacturer has been pioneering and driving the market by producing best-in-class products with global quality standards. Through the organization’s 40-year legacy, GM Egypt has created new jobs across the automotive industry and developed the feeding industry of automotive suppliers in the country.

Moreover, the company has continued to further strengthen public and private partnerships as it increases production volume, aspiring to become a regional export hub for General Motors in the region.

Sharon Nishi, Chair and Managing Director of General Motors Egypt and North Africa said, “As an automotive pioneer, General Motors Egypt has substantially contributed to Egypt’s economy over the last 40 years. Ever since our inception, GM Egypt has invested over $530 million dollars to continuously expand and upgrade our products and manufacturing capability. In addition, in the last ten years, we have invested over $50 million dollars for the integration of robotics and automation, making us the most advanced automotive plant in Egypt.

GM Egypt’s Millionth Locally Produced Vehicle is the Chevrolet T-Series pickup truck – known among Egyptians as ‘The Dababbah’ – the legendary workhorse leading the commercial segment. Worth mentioning, more than 60% of the Chevrolet Dababbah is locally produced by many local suppliers from GM’s 78 feeding industry network.

The new Chevrolet Dababbah is the first commercial vehicle in Egypt to include a new level of advanced safety features, providing customers with unparalleled peace of mind on the road.

Further highlighting the role of the millionth vehicle produced – the Chevrolet Dabbabah, Nishi added, “Of the million vehicles produced, over half a million were the Chevrolet Dabbabah pickups. Moreover, the Dababbah has been a part of the fabric of the working community, offering small and medium businesses a capable, durable, and dependable transport solution, enabling Egypt’s economic growth for decades.”

As a result, this special celebration reaffirms GM Egypt’s leadership being the first automobile manufacturer to reach this milestone in the country. In addition, it is a clear-cut testament to GM’s commitment in investing and bringing global expertise, best practices, and partners, to continue to propel the industry forward.

In this regard, Nishi continued, “I am also proud to announce today that our successful collaboration with the Egyptian Government under the Automotive Industry Development Program (AIDP) has resulted in us locally producing the all-new 2025 Chevrolet Optra passenger car with a high level of locally produced components. This mainstream sedan is the first vehicle to be registered by any manufacturer under the AIDP. The all-new Chevrolet Optra will be available at Chevrolet showrooms by early 2025”.

During the celebration, Jack Uppal, President and Managing Director, GM Africa and Middle East, remarked, “Africa and the Middle East is one of our important international markets and plays a role in GM’s global growth strategy. Our aspiration for GM Egypt is to become a regional export hub to Africa and the Middle East region.”

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