الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

FHO Commends Frontline Heroes for Their Vital Role in the Success of UAE’s Polio Vaccination Campaign in Gaza

The Frontline Heroes Office (FHO) commended the efforts of frontline professionals who participated in the UAE’s emergency polio vaccination campaign in Gaza, conducted under the supervision of the World Health Organization (WHO) in collaboration with UNICEF and UNRWA. The campaign successfully vaccinated approximately 560,000 children under the age of ten in Gaza as part of Gallant Knight (3) Operation.

FHO emphasized that this crucial initiative is part of the UAE’s broader humanitarian and relief efforts to support the residents of the Gaza Strip.

FHO stated that frontline professionals played a key role in organizing and supporting vaccination points, where they actively helped streamline the vaccination process and provided essential assistance to families and children.

“The success of this vaccination campaign stands as a testament to the dedication of these heroes, who worked relentlessly under challenging conditions to ensure every child in need received the vaccine, underscoring the UAE’s steadfast commitment to safeguarding the children of Gaza,” FHO added.

FHO concluded its statement stating that, “The success of the UAE’s humanitarian campaign to vaccinate Gaza’s children against polio serves as a strong reminder of the positive impact that coordinated humanitarian efforts can have on improving lives. It underscores the vital role of frontline professionals who risk their lives to deliver hope and healing to those in greatest need.”

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