الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Rixos Hotels Teams Up with lululemon and Al Jalila Foundation to Support Breast Cancer Awareness Month

In honour of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Rixos Hotels has proudly joined forces with lululemon, and Majlis Al Amal, by Al Jalila Foundation, to host a series of impactful wellness events across four of its luxury properties. Hosting events such as Yoga for a Cause and the Ride with Rixos cycling event, each aims to raise awareness, support those affected, and encourage early detection.

During October, Rixos The Palm Dubai Hotel & Suites, Rixos Premium Dubai, Rixos Premium Saadiyat Island, and Rixos Marina Abu Dhabi invite guests to participate in these meaningful activities, blending mindfulness, fitness, and purpose to foster a sense of community and contribute to this important cause.

Yoga for a Cause

In a heartfelt effort to raise awareness for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, three Rixos Hotels will host exclusive yoga sessions led by lululemon, uniting participants in a splash of pink to honour the strength and bravery of those impacted by breast cancer. As part of this initiative, Rixos will also be making a donation to support the cause. In-house guests are invited to show support while exclusive spots will be reserved for Majlis Al Amal members, cancer patients, and survivors, who will be treated to pool and beach access. As the session unfolds, a member of Majlis Al Amal will share an inspiring talk on her personal experience, further highlighting the importance of early detection and raising awareness.

As a proud supporter of this initiative, lululemon will provide pink yoga mats to help guests find their balance and symbolise Pinktober. Additionally, guests can explore and shop for their favourite work-out gear. Participants can also look forward to joining in competitions with the chance to win incredible prizes.


When: 20th October at 10:30 am in Rixos Premium Dubai

20th October at 11:00 am in Rixos Premium Saadiyat Island

24th October at 5:00 pm in Rixos The Palm Dubai Hotel & Suites

Ride with Rixos at Rixos Marina Abu Dhabi

Taking place on the 19th of October, Rixos Marina Abu Dhabi invites the community to embark on a meaningful ride along Abu Dhabi’s scenic corniche, supported by Al Jalila Foundation, lululemon, Electra, and Hoobara, as part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Starting and finishing at the property, this special event combines wellness with purpose, allowing participants to enjoy a leisurely bike ride through the autumn sunshine and giving them the opportunity to show support.

For the first kilometre of the scenic journey, participants will be led safely to the cycling path by a Tesla Model 3 in a nod to the property’s innovative collaboration, with additional Tesla models S, X, and Y from the collection displayed at the starting line for attendees to admire. The experience is further elevated with a dynamic warm-up and post-ride stretching session guided by lululemon ambassadors, creating an inspiring atmosphere where fitness, cycling, community, and awareness unite to make a difference.

Adding to the support, ‘Ride with Rixos’ will partner with Electra, the Dubai-based, globally renowned comfort bike brand, enhancing the event’s spirit of unity while Hoobara will provide post-ride refreshments and treats at the property. Committed to making healthy living easy and delicious, Hoobara’s nourishing ingredients offer the perfect snack to enjoy as you relax, recharge, and soak up the inspirational atmosphere and the renowned Turkish hospitality at Rixos.

When: 19th October at 6.45 am

Where: Rixos Marina Abu Dhabi

Don your best pink attire and show your support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month this October at Rixos Hotels. Join the movement by participating in these impactful events or contributing to the cause, allowing you to not only raise awareness but also inspire hope, strength, and resilience in the lives of


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