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Dorsch Global Climbs to 40th Place in ENR’s Top 225 International Design Firms Ranking

Dorsch Global is proud to announce a significant achievement in the international design industry. The firm has risen to 40th place in the 2024 ENR Top 225 International Design Firms ranking, an impressive leap from its previous ranking of 77th in 2023. This recognition underscores the firm’s growing influence and success in the global market.

The ENR Top 225 International Design Firms ranking, published annually by Engineering News-Record, ranks firms based on their international design revenue, which includes architecture, engineering and other design-related services. The rise of 37 positions in the ranking reflects the commitment of all the companies under the roof of Dorsch Global to deliver exceptional design and consulting solutions on a global scale and their ability to succeed in different markets.

Additionally, given the substantial growth Dorsch Global has recently experienced, the firm is well-positioned for further significant advancements in the coming year, especially with the integration of results from its new joiners, ECG (Engineering Consultants Group).

This is expected to enhance Dorsch Global’s market presence and capabilities, further boosting its international design revenues and potentially driving them even higher in the ENR Top 225 International Design Firms ranking in 2025.

Ayman Haikal, CEO of Dorsch Global, expressed his pride in the company’s achievement: “This remarkable rise in the ENR rankings is a testament to the hard work, dedication and strength of our teams, who leverage market knowledge and best in class technical capabilities to deliver customized solutions that meet, and exceed, our clients’ requirements. Congratulations to everyone at Dorsch Global – your efforts have truly paid off; this isn’t just a ranking, it’s a reflection of our collective commitment to our spirit of building a sustainable tomorrow.”

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