الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Madinet Masr Contributes to the restoration of Bayt Al-Razzaz’s Historic Roof, Reinforcing the Company’s Commitment to Social Responsibility and Preservation of the Egyptian Cultural Heritage

 Madinet Masr (EGX code: MASR.CA), one of Egypt’s leading urban community developers, has announced its contribution in the restoration of the roof of Bayt Al-Razzaz, a significant historical landmark in Cairo’s Darb Al-Ahmar district. This initiative, which was carried out in collaboration with the Egyptian Heritage Rescue Foundation and Kahhal Looms, underscores the company’s dedication to social responsibility and preserving the Egyptian heritage. Through this project, Madinet Masr aims to empower local communities and contribute to reviving cultural heritage, reinforcing its broader commitment to social responsibility.

Madinet Masr plays a crucial role in preserving one of Egypt’s iconic heritage landmarks by providing essential funding to restore the main hall ceiling of the 15th-century Bayt Al-Razzaz. The restoration work will commence in December and is expected to span nine months. This effort will include the meticulous restoration of the decorative ceiling in the hall, which is the centerpiece of the palace’s eastern courtyard. Through this initiative, Madinet Masr aims to preserve this historical monument and showcase its artistic and historical significance for future generations.

Eng. Abdallah Sallam, President and CEO of Madinet Masr, emphasized, “Madinet Masr has a legacy spanning over 65 years, operating with a clear vision rooted in preserving Egypt’s heritage and cultural identity and developing integrated urban communities that contribute to a prosperous future for our country.” He added, “We have a steadfast belief that heritage preservation is not merely a duty; it is an investment in the future of upcoming generations. The restoration of Bayt Al-Razzaz’s roof is part of the company’s strategy to safeguard Egypt’s cultural identity for decades to come.”

From her side, Dena Habib, Vice President of Corporate Relations at Madinet Masr, added, “At Madinet Masr, we are committed to supporting initiatives and projects that work toward restoring and protecting our historical landmarks, as part of the company’s social responsibility strategy, which is based on three main pillars: providing shelter, reviving heritage, and empowering the community. The restoration of Bayt Al-Razzaz’s roof is more than just a restoration project; it is a clear message that we believe building communities goes beyond construction—it extends to building people, their culture, and their awareness. By restoring this 500-year-old landmark, we contribute to the development of our community and reinforce our cultural identity.”

Dating back to the 15th-century reign of Sultan Qaitbay, Bayt Al-Razzaz combines Mamluk elegance with Ottoman influences in the heart of Darb Al-Ahmar. Originally built as the residence of Ahmad Katkhuda El Razzaz, the affluent rice merchant for whom the house is

named, it is a testament to Cairo’s architectural heritage. Kahhal Looms is auctioning four hand-woven carpets explicitly created for the event to celebrate this rich history. Renowned artists Azza Fahmy, Nada Debs, Abdulla Al-Awadi, and Louis Barthélemy drew inspiration from Bayt Al-Razzaz’s unique motifs and intricate details, transforming them into artistic designs that capture the essence of this historic landmark. These pieces have been crafted by skilled Egy

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