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Orange Egypt Wins “Telecom Review Leaders’ Summit” Award as the Best Telecom Company for “Corporate Social Responsibility” in Africa

In an achievement that underscores its clear commitment to community development and highlights its distinguished efforts in environmental protection and combating climate change in Egypt and the region through innovative and effective initiatives, Orange Egypt has won the Excellence Award from the international “Telecom Review Leaders’ Summit” as the best company in “Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative” in the telecommunications sector in Africa for the year 2024, alongside the French consulting firm Sofrecom, part of Orange Group.


The committee confirmed that Orange Egypt deserved the award for its dedication to achieving the ambitious climate goal of reaching net-zero carbon emissions by 2040, an impressive decade ahead of Europe’s set deadline, in addition to its exemplary efforts in maintaining sustainability by integrating environmental responsibility into its operations, along with its innovative and diverse initiatives for environmental preservation, including recycling, energy conservation, waste reduction, promoting solar energy, and initiatives for renewing old electronic devices.


This award tops Orange Egypt’s environmental and climate efforts, which succeeded in reducing the company’s carbon emissions by 18% in 2023 by enhancing green sustainability practices across its networks, data centers, buildings, headquarters, and branches, as well as installing solar panels in 150 locations, in addition to a historic power purchase agreement with the New and Renewable Energy Authority and launching the first green store in the Middle East and Africa in Sharm El Sheikh.


Moreover, Orange’s sustainability efforts hold a special position among telecommunications companies in the region due to its effective role in the Switch to Circular Economy Value Chains pilot project (SWITCH2CE), aimed at transitioning to a circular economy for value chains, led by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), which seeks to reduce the carbon footprint of electronic and electrical equipment through the concept of “a new life for every device.” This pilot project aligns with Egypt’s National Climate Change Strategy (NCCS 2050) and the Orange Group’s commitment to reducing its carbon footprint. Through this project, Orange aims to build capacities and skills through integrated recycling programs designed to empower youth, technicians, and workers in the informal sector to acquire new skills and implement innovative practices.


Orange Egypt’s CEO, Yasser Shaker, said that “Orange believes in the importance of harmony between economic growth and environmental protection, ensuring we meet the needs of current generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.


For her part, Tania Asmar, Orange Egypt’s Chief of Staff, Climate, Transformation and Governance Officer, asserts that “our present actions determine our future” confirming that the Company is making significant progress in improving energy efficiency, transforming to renewable energy, optimizing resources, adopting the circular economy, and raising awareness”.

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