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رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Signify Egypt Wins Global Business Outlook Award 2024 for the Most Innovative Sustainable and Energy-Efficient Lighting

Signify Egypt, the world leader in lighting, won the “Most Innovative Sustainable and Energy-Efficient Lighting Solutions – Egypt 2024” by The Global Business Outlook Magazine. This award is to recognize Signify Egypt efforts in developing innovative and energy-efficient lighting solutions that contributes to protecting the environment and achieve the sustainable development goals.
Signify Egypt puts sustainability and innovation at the core of its strategy. Throughout 125 years, the company fulfilled leading and unprecedented achievements in the lighting field, and largely contributed to transforming Egypt to a more sustainable society, through a smart products’ portfolio that includes providing highly energy-efficient LED lighting solutions that eliminate energy consumption with 50% of the electricity consumed by conventional lighting. The energy saving is not only restricted to the environmental benefits, but also includes significant reduction for the operational costs, which provides an added value for the customers.
Signify Egypt is committed to offering integrated solutions that meet the customers’ diversified needs, aligning to sustainability goals such as the horticulture lighting, Internet through lighting ‘’Trulifi’’ , as well as health and well-being lighting solutions. The company works on developing products that are able to be recycled and maintained, thus contribute to protect the environment and eliminate wastes, such as 3D printed luminaires. All these efforts are an integrated vision that supports the development of economic and social goals aligning with Egypt Vision 2030.
In occasion of winning the award, Mohamed Saad, CEO of Signify Africa, stated “We are proud to win the Global Business Outlook Award 2024 for the “most innovative sustainable and energy-efficient lighting solutions – Egypt 2024”. The award highlights our leadership in the sustainable lighting, and reflects the efforts of our team in developing innovative solutions that meet the changing needs of our customers, and contribute in building a more sustainable future.” He added “Sustainability is at the core of our strategy, and we are committed to provide high quality lighting with competitive prices, as we help consumers to reduce their operational costs, and improve their health and safety. In addition, our products help in reducing the carbon emissions and achieve the sustainable development goals, aligning with the Egyptian government’s efforts in the transition towards a clean energy.”
Global Business Outlook Magazine awards highlights the efforts of companies which left a footprint in their industries. The awards process exposes companies to meticulous standards that measures the entire performance of the company, including the business volume, innovation, leadership, efficiency rates, as well as other key performance indicators. Such strict standards include selecting the winners who are prominent in the business field, and proves the commitment of the companies to achieve excellence and contribute to sustainable development.

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