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فاطمة مهران

The HUAWEI nova 13 Launches in Egypt: An Attractive Design and a Selfie Camera That Exceeds Expectations

HUAWEI has announced the availability of The HUAWEI nova 13 Series in Egypt. It is set to take the smartphone world by storm with its blend of innovative design and powerful selfie cameras. The new lineup of smartphones builds on the legacy of the HUAWEI nova Series. As a smartphone that caters to both style-conscious individuals and tech enthusiasts, the nova 13 Series offers a compelling combination of aesthetic appeal and advanced features.

The HUAWEI nova 13 Series is now available on HUAWEI’s official website and select retailers in Egypt. The HUAWEI nova 13 Pro starts from 35999 EGP and comes in 3 colors with the HUAWEI FreeBuds 5i and a 3-month Shahid VIP subscription as a gift with purchase. The HUAWEI nova 13 starts at EGP 25,999 and comes in black, white, and green. It comes with the HUAWEI FreeBuds SE 2 and a 3-month Shahid VIP subscription as a gift with purchase.

The AI Best Expression feature significantly enhances group photography. Users can take multiple burst shots, by holding down the shutter button, and then pick out the best expression for each person, ensuring that everyone looks their best. This feature effectively eliminates common photo mishaps like closed eyes or awkward smiles.

Known for its exceptional selfie cameras, the nova 13 Series upholds the nova Series tradition with advanced selfie features and a 60-megapixel ultra-wide front camera that supports 0.7X to 5X zoom video. Boasting a 100-degree field of view at 0.7x zoom, it’s ideal for capturing expansive group selfies without the distortion typically associated with wide-angle lenses. This ensures that every participant and the surrounding backdrop are captured with clarity. The nova 13 Pro also has another 8MP Ultra-Wide Angle Portrait Camera in the front for even wider 112° angle selfies. This camera can shoot macro images from as close as 2cm.

When it comes to charging, the nova 13 Series comes with 100W HUAWEI SuperCharge Turbo, which can charge the phone to 50% in just 10 minutes. Whether it’s a busy morning routine or a sudden need for a phone upgrade before an important meeting, the nova 13 Series ensures that users stay connected without significant downtime.

The nova 13 Series introduces a fresh take on smartphone design with its new Loden Green colour, a shade inspired by high fashion that exudes a muted, elegant vibe. It features Huawei’s Dynamic Plaid Texture Design, a modern reinterpretation of the classic plaid pattern. The textured lines shift subtly in hue based on the phone’s orientation, creating a dynamic visual effect that transforms the phone from a mere gadget into a stylish accessory.

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