الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Shaabiat al Cartoon announces first televised Arabic cartoon NFT Collection

Arab Royals become first members of the Crypto Arabs Community

 Dubai, UAE: NFT project, Crypto Arabs, is revolutionizing the way the world does business by educating its community members about crypto currencies, Web 3.0 and Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) through their ‘Learn to Earn’ initiative in the Metaverse.

Sheikh Humaid Bin Khalid Al Qasimi and Princess Nejla bint Asem of Jordan became some of the first members of the Crypto Arabs Community. The Royal Highnesses were presented with artwork based on the final collection which will be distributed upon mint.

“It is an honor to be a part of a project that is so strongly valued around education. It is so important for people in this region to be educated, and included in the future of finance. Crypto Arabs has a strong network of leaders in the Web 3 space. The knowledge they will pass onto the community is invaluable.” said Sheikh Humaid Bin Khalid Al Qasimi.

Led by Mohamed Al Banna, CEO of Lead Ventures, Ralf Glabischnig, Founder of Crypto Oasis, and Adi K Mishra, Founder of Karma Innovations, Crypto Arabs is a collection of 9,999 pieces of unique NFT artwork, designed in partnership with beloved Arabic cartoon creation, Shaabiat Al Cartoon, which aired their 16th season this Ramadan 2022.

It’s the first time in history where an Arabic televised cartoon is being turned into an NFT collection and will feature 10 of its most popular characters. The cartoon creation is one of the Gulf region’s most popular cartoon series, that touches upon current social and cultural issues, making it a relatable fit for today’s NFT community.

Individuals can become part of the Crypto Arabs community by purchasing an NFT, which will not only give them a collectable piece of artwork recorded on the blockchain as a unique NFT, but also access to a host of benefits built around their 3 main pillars, Education, Entertainment and Charity.

Mohamed al Banna’s key vision with this project is to educate the community about cryptocurrency and NFTs, stating: “Web 3.0 is a new era and, as seen, can be very tricky to navigate. Hence we are bringing some of the most brilliant minds within the Crypto World to educate our community about blockchain and Web3.0. The Crypto Arabs community is your gateway to access exclusive real world networking opportunities and enhance your business relationships.”

Members will benefit from monthly master classes and Q&A’s in an Oasis built in ‘The Sandbox Metaverse’ with leaders in the Crypto community including Dr. Marwan al Zarouni, CEO of Dubai Blockchain Center (DBC) and Saeed Al Darmaki, founder & CEO of Sheesha Finance. These advisers will guide members on how to navigate the world of crypto, staking, Gamefi, NFTs and DEFI and much more. With each masterclass community members complete, they will be rewarded with partner tokens.

“In Partnership with Crypto Oasis, this NFT collection will enable the buyer to be part of an exclusive community where they will be granted access to major opinion leaders in the Blockchain/NFT space as well as events. One of the key elements of this project is that a percentage of the earnings from the sale of the collectible will be donated to charity. Crypto Oasis and the Crypto Arabs are committed to giving back to the Community and making a difference” commented Ralf Glabischnig.

A percentage of the earnings of the collection will also go to the Rashid Centre for People of Determination, reflecting the true ethos of Crypto Arabs.

Adi K Mishra says: “Giving back to the community is very much a part of our DNA. We have already made significant investments towards supporting the local community with some of our other projects. Our investments in Crypto Arabs is another step towards our belief in the UAE and the GCC as a premier Web 3.0 destination in the future.”


Crypto Arabs have partnered with the Crypto Oasis which is the Middle East-focused Blockchain Ecosystem supported by initiators of Crypto Valley Switzerland. The core elements of the ecosystem are Talent, Capital, and Infrastructure, and the Ecosystems stakeholders include Investors & Collectors, Start-Ups & Projects, Corporates, Science & Research Institutions, Service Providers, and Government Entities & Associations. Crypto Oasis’ vision is to be one of the leading Blockchain Ecosystems in the world. Today it is the fastest-growing, with more than 1,000 organisations in the UAE alone and to have identified over 1,500 established organisations across the region by the end of 2022. www.cryptooasis.ae

Crypto Arabs has appointed Saeed Al Damaki Founder & CEO of Sheesha Finance as Senior Advisor to the project. Sheesha Finance is a DeFi multi-chain platform offering a level playing field for all investors to access a diversified portfolio of projects. Visit or follow Crypto Arabs on – Website – Twitter – Instagram

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