الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Travel International chooses Amadeus to upgrade its customer service offering and online presence in the UAE

Integral to the new agreement is the deployment of the latest Amadeus e-commerce solutions and robotic applications

Amadeus, a company dedicated to making the experience of travel better for everyone, has signed a wide-ranging, agreement with Travel International – Terminals Group, based in Abu Dhabi.

Travel International is a leading travel specialist that was founded more than 20 years ago and has established itself as a company that is focused on connecting travelers with exclusive experiences, immersing them in local cultures, and offering unforgettable journeys.

The strategic collaboration between Amadeus and Travel International – Terminals Group is designed to enhance customer service and bolster the company’s online presence, as well as creating efficiencies behind the scenes.

A cornerstone of this collaboration is the adoption of Amadeus Online Suite, an innovative omni-channel e-commerce solution that will expand Travel International’s online presence and deliver a wealth of high-quality tailored content to its customers.

The new partnership includes the deployment of automation tools such as Amadeus Robotics solutions Auto-Ticketing and Quality Control which automate the ticket issuance activities and streamline PNR quality processes essentially freeing up agents’ time from manual tasks while improving the overall business efficiency.

Additionally, Amadeus All Fares with NDC-sourced content will empower Travel International’s agents to find the best airfare deals for customers by comparing multiple content sources. The wide-ranging agreement also includes Amadeus B2B Wallet, a cutting-edge payment solution that ensures secure, seamless transactions.

We are thrilled to join forces with Amadeus,” said Ali Bin Jarais, CEO of Travel International – Terminals Group. “This partnership will allow us to leverage state-of-the-art solutions that enhance our customer service and streamline our operations. We are confident that the Amadeus technology we have selected will provide numerous efficiency gains and enable our team to elevate the overall travel experience for our customers.”

We are excited to collaborate with Travel International – Terminals Group and support their ambitious vision for the future,” commented Ernesto Sanchez Beaumont, Managing Director of Amadeus Gulf. “Our award-winning technology will empower this well-respected travel company to deliver best-in-class customer service, reduce costs and inefficiencies through optimized operations, and facilitate business growth. We look forward to a long and fruitful partnership.”

This partnership between Travel International – Terminals Group and Amadeus will provide travelers with unparalleled experiences. By adopting Amadeus’s advanced solutions, Travel International is poised to achieve substantial growth and solidify its position as a leader in the travel industry.

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