الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Abu Dhabi Chamber Launches Advocacy Hub to Support the Business Ecosystem in Abu Dhabi

The Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ADCCI) announced the launch of the Advocacy Hub initiative, which involves all segments of the private sector, enhancing its engagement and bringing positive change in the business system.

The Advocacy Hub aims to support and empower the private sector. It represents an ideal opportunity to facilitate communication between businesses and government agencies. The initiative will boost the private sector’s voice, promote constructive dialogue through the exploration of noteworthy developments from the business community, proposing innovative solutions to address challenges, and the provision of a platform for proposing ideas and recommendations on policies and legislation. This in turn will contribute to advancing the private sector towards new developmental horizons, enhancing the appeal of the business environment, and consolidating the competitiveness of the Emirate’s economy on local, regional, and global levels.

Through this initiative, a comprehensive set of exceptional services will be provided, further solidifying Abu Dhabi Chamber’s position as a primary supporter of the private sector. In the first phase of the launch, businesses from various commercial, investment, and industrial sectors will be invited to join and propose the formulation of Communal working groups in various economic activities, addressing the interests of businesses and enhancing their competitive capabilities. The Chamber will be able to assess the position of the private sector on an ongoing basis, identifying the challenges it faces, and proposing suggestions and practical and appropriate solutions to these challenges to bring about positive changes that will serve the interests of companies, and support the sustainable development process in the Emirate.

During the second phase of the launch, 40 Communal Working Groups will be formed, representing various economic activities based on the proposals received from businesses. This will be one-of-a-kind initiative in terms of interaction and private sector involvement in decision-making.

His Excellency Abdulla Mohamed Al Mazrui, Chairman of the Abu Dhabi Chamber, said, “The launch of the Advocacy Hub initiative is an embodiment of our wise leadership’s directives, aimed at supporting the private sector. Its purpose is to strengthen cooperation and build a true partnership between the public and private sectors, with the goal of preserving and developing the achievements made in Abu Dhabi in the field of comprehensive development.”

“The initiative will contribute to empowering the private sector, solidifying its role in boosting competitiveness of the business environment, leading to strengthening its position as the preferred destination for doing business by 2025. This will be achieved by affording the private sector with opportunities to participate in decision-making and contribute to the formulation of legislations that support the growth and prosperity of the business sector. The initiative focuses on identifying and discussing key challenges, as well as the most prominent solutions and ideas to enhance the prosperity of the different business sectors in Abu Dhabi,” he added.Top of Form

His Excellency Ahmed Khalifa Al Qubaisi, CEO of the Abu Dhabi Chamber, confirmed that the initiative will provide a supportive environment for Working Groups whether they are sectoral or representing economic activities in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. He asserted that these groups would bolster the Abu Dhabi Chamber’s endeavors to align with the swiftly evolving landscape of the local, regional, and global economy while advancing the collective goals of the Emirate’s business community.

“The Abu Dhabi Chamber will continue to launch initiatives and projects that will contribute to improving the Emirate’s business ecosystem, and provide appropriate support to entrepreneurs and businessmen so that they can thrive in an effective and sustainable economic environment,” Al Qubaisi added.

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