الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Beltone Holding and BOA Group enters into a multidimensional Collaboration Agreement tapping synergies across Africa


 Beltone Holding (“Beltone”), one of the fastest growing financial institutions, announces its entry into a multidimensional Collaboration Agreement with BOA Group, the holding company of Bank of Africa – BMCE Group managing its Sub-Saharan subsidiaries.

Beltone’s venturing into the African region is targeted to be driven through developing mutual growth and leveraging product cross-selling opportunities in the African markets.

This collaboration marks a significant milestone for both Beltone and BOA Group, as they embark on a journey of shared success, capitalizing on synergies to unlock new possibilities in the dynamic African landscape.

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