الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Careem launches new Go 3ala Kefak service in Egypt

Careem, the region’s leading multi-service app, launches ‘Go 3ala Kefak’ in Cairo after its success in three cities across Egypt- Alexandria, Tanta, and Damietta. The newly introduced service is aimed at providing flexibility to both customers and Captains. Customers can tailor their rides based on their needs by choosing a preferred fare, car model, Captain rating and estimated time of arrival (ETA) of the Captain.
When customers book a ride using ‘Go 3ala Kefak’ on the Careem app, they will be shown a recommended fare estimate for their trip, and will have the option to adjust it according to their preference. The proposed fare then gets sent to nearby Captains, giving them the option to either accept it or make an alternative offer. Once the fare is mutually agreed on, the Captain is assigned and the trip begins with the agreed fixed price.
Commenting on this announcement, Wael Ibrahim – GM of Careem Rides Egypt, KSA & Bahrain said: “We are committed to continuously innovate and introduce locally catered products that meet everyday commuting needs, and enhance the overall experience for both customers and Captains on the platform.”
He further added: “The introduction of ‘GO 3ala Kefak’ comes following similar launches in several cities across the region last year, and it will be our most affordable car type on the Careem app in Egypt. The new service will bring a reliable and convenient experience for everyday commutes, while continuing to provide thousands of Captains across Egypt with reliable and flexible earning opportunities.”
The newly introduced service is part of Careem’s ongoing commitment to bring locally catered solutions that enhance everyone’s daily commuting experience. Additionally, customers using the new service will continue to enjoy features available on the Careem app including voice and email support, in-ride care support, Track your ride, telematics, Captain ratings, and secure online payment options.
About Careem:
Careem is building the Everything App for the greater Middle East, making it easier than ever to move around, order food and groceries, manage payments, and more. Careem is led by a powerful purpose to simplify and improve the lives of people and build an awesome organisation that inspires. Since 2012, Careem has created earning opportunities for over 2.5 million Captains, simplified the lives of over 50 million customers, and built a platform for the region’s best talent to thrive and for entrepreneurs to scale their businesses. Careem operates in over 70 cities across 10 countries, from Morocco to Pakistan.

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