الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

PayTabs Egypt Partners with Souhoola to Enhance its Payment Solutions Portfolio




PayTabs Egypt, MEASA’s award-winning payments powerhouse, announced today a strategic partnership with Souhoola, a popular BNPL platform in Egypt. This collaboration aims to offer a new BNPL payment method for PayTabs Egypt merchants, increasing the range of payment options offered online.


By adding the Souhoola’s BNPL solution to the multiple payment solutions available for customers on ecommerce merchant’s payment pages, PayTabs Egypt aims to meet the growing demand to deliver more convenient payment choices. This step will provide consumers with a seamless and flexible shopping experience while offering e-businesses access to a payment to a wider customer base and enhancing their buyers “add to cart” rate.


Commenting on the partnership, Karim Eyada, PayTabs Egypt’s General Manager, said, “PayTabs Egypt is dedicated to learning the payment industry by exploring partnerships that bring value to merchants and elevate the digital payment landscape. By integrating Souhoola’s BNPL solution, we are not only addressing the buying habits and lifestyle choices of consumers but also providing our merchants with a competitive edge. This partnership aligns with our vision of fostering financial inclusion and supporting the growth of big commerce in Egypt.”


Ahmed Al-Shanawany CEO of Souhoola, also commented on the partnership, stating, “We are delighted to partner with PayTabs Egypt to bring our BNPL solution to a broader audience. Souhoola is committed to empowering consumers and merchants alike with flexible and accessible payment options. Together with PayTabs Egypt, we look forward to contributing to a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience for all.”

This partnership is the latest in a string of strategic collaborations forged by PayTabs Egypt with leading local and regional brands, such as Paymes and mnGm. Through these collaborations, PayTabs Egypt has delivered a smooth and trusted payment journey for merchants and customers across segments. PayTabs Egypt’s remarkable growth and accomplishments demonstrate its commitment to supporting the e-commerce environment in Egypt and the wider region.




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