الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

AIM Congress 2024: Driving Global Investment with Awards & IPA Study

Abu Dhabi, UAE, 15 April, 2024: In a landscape marked by economic flux and environmental concerns, the AIM Congress 2024 stands as a beacon of collaboration and insight, poised to drive global investment prospects under the theme, “Adapting to a Shifting Investment Landscape: Harnessing New Potential for Global Economic Development.” Scheduled from May 7-9 in Abu Dhabi, this three-day conference will host a dynamic investment track aimed at exploring and charting the course for economic resilience and growth through Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI).

Themed “Resilient, Sustainable Economic Growth – Creating a Healthy and Prospective Investment through FDI and FPI,” the investment track will serve as a nexus for global leaders, experts, and industry professionals. The program will commence with a landmark leaders’ panel discussing “Geopolitical Tensions 2024: New Challenges and New FDI Destinations,” followed by eleven panel sessions covering sustainable investment trends, inclusive FDIs in LDCs, FPI forecasts, renewable energy, climate financing, public-private partnerships, and more. Additionally, fireside chats will delve into topics such as evaluating COP28’s legacy and exploring FDIs in UAE.

Moreover, attendees can participate in a master class on “Blended Finance Dissected”, an AIM Talk on “Implications of Tax Reforms for IPAs and SEZs”, and a presentation on “FDI in the Healthcare Industry: Opportunities and Challenges,” ensuring a comprehensive exploration of the latest trends and opportunities in the global investment landscape.

Together with the AIM Congress, the AIM Investment Awards 2024 will take place on May 7, celebrating the top FDI projects globally. This prestigious event recognizes Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs) for their role in attracting valuable investments and contributing positively to their economies. Categories for the awards include Innovation and Research Collaboration, Global Competitiveness Enhancement, Investment Size, Ease of Doing Business, Community and Social Impact, Trade Balance Effects, Sustainability and Local Linkages, and Diversification of Industries.

Furthermore, AIM Congress 2024 will host the AIM Perception Study for IPAs 2024 in collaboration with UNIDO, WAIPA, and KPMG. This collaborative survey aims to extract valuable insights from IPA experiences, fostering a collaborative approach in the IPA landscape and driving global economic development. The study will be announced during AIM Congress 2024, with plans for future editions to continue this legacy of delivering genuine, accessible content, and the survey is available digitally throughout the year.

Organized under the umbrella of AIM Global Foundation, supported by the UAE Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology, and with the Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development as lead partner, AIM Congress 2024 invites all stakeholders to join this unique convergence of global leaders, visionaries, and change-makers in Abu Dhabi from May 7-9, 2024. Join us at AIM Congress 2024

Register now: https://aimcongress.com/delegate-register#delegate-registration

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