الرئيس التنفيذي
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Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport expands collaboration with Fortinet to build a diverse, skilled workforce to help close the cybersecurity skills gap in Egypt

The Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport (AASTMT) is expanding its collaboration with Fortinet, the global cybersecurity leader, as part of its Academic Partner Program, with the goal of creating a more diverse and skilled workforce in Egypt.
The academic collaboration between Fortinet and AASTMT started back in 2019 where AASTMT became an official Academic Partner enrolled in the Fortinet Academic Partner Program. Now, AASTMT is introducing additional Fortinet courses and certifications into its academic undergrad curriculum within its Faculty of Computer Science and Faculty of Engineering, as well as hosting an on-campus Fortinet Lab.
The news was announced as part of the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Smart Innovation hosted by AASTMT at its headquarters in Alexandria from 12-14 May 2024, in the presence of around 400 regional and global participants.
The collaboration supports AASTMT with access to industry-recognized Fortinet NSE training and certification courses, a series of technology awareness sessions and webinars around cybersecurity in different specializations, free exam vouchers, and the establishment of an on-campus Fortinet cybersecurity lab, to help AASTMT students and learners become part of an elite group of skilled cybersecurity professionals. The courses will offer them an opportunity to gain practical, industry-recognized skills contributing to the development of a skilled workforce that is ready to tackle the evolving cybersecurity landscape locally.

Khaled Fawzy, Senior Country Manager, Fortinet Egypt, Libya and Sudan noted “As part Fortinet’s mission to protect people, devices, and data everywhere, we are committed to driving cybersecurity awareness through creating new education pathways that bridge the cybersecurity skills gap. It’s a pleasure to expand our collaboration with AASTMT, which has been an active academic partner since 2019, to enable the next generation of cybersecurity learners to become global ICT leaders capable of implementing Egypt’s digital vision”.

Prof. Ismail Abdelgafar Ismail Farag, President of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, an esteemed organization within the Arab League, stated, “Our commitment to integrating industry-leading expertise into our curriculum shows our dedication to nurturing a new generation of cyber defenders adept at safeguarding digital infrastructure and driving innovation in information security. This partnership represents a noteworthy milestone in our ongoing mission to empower future cybersecurity professionals with globally recognized certifications and invaluable hands-on experience vital for navigating the complexities of today’s digital landscape”.

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