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ECA Board approves ‘Membership for All’ reforms

The ECA Board, chaired by Nasser Al-Khelaïfi, concluded its meeting on Wednesday in Dublin, Ireland with a number of key decisions taken concerning its future membership structure and growth.

ECA Membership model 2024/25 changes

The Board approved a revision to the organisational regulations that will see the existing membership structure amended with the Partner/Network category being merged into the Associated Member category across respective Subdivisions. This means that the former Network/Partner clubs will have the ability to elect members to the Board via the Subdivisions and have the same rights as those held by Associated Members. There is no change for Ordinary Members.

Commenting on the huge growth of ECA membership, ECA Chairman Nasser Al-Khelaïfi, said: “This is an amazing achievement to have reached over 700 clubs of the ECA Family with a member growth of 160% since the start of the 2023/24 season. With the changes to our membership structure approved by the Board today, that will go to the General Assembly for final ratification, we will continue to make ECA more democratic, more open and more inclusive for all clubs across Europe.”

Reduced ticket prices caps for visiting fans – “consensus through compromise”

The Board then acknowledged the recent announcement on reduced ticket prices caps for visiting fans in UEFA men’s club competitions for the 2024/25 season and 2025/26 season, and of the importance of fans to the very fabric of the club game across Europe.

“This is a great example of the new ECA where we have over 700 members all of different shapes and sizes across 55 countries, but we always try to find consensus through compromise,” said Nasser Al-Khelaïfi.

“Many clubs had strong, valid and different views on this topic, but as an institution ECA found a collective position on behalf of all 700+ clubs, which puts fans first and will help drive football forward,” he concluded.

Appointments to UCC SA Board of Administration

The Board approved the appointment of Jean-Claude Blanc, Manchester United FC Board Director, to the UCC SA Board of Administration and the ECA Board for the remainder of the 2023/27 cycle replacing Vinai Venkatesham.

ECA Foundation Board

The Board confirmed the first three appointments to the Board of the ECA Foundation, currently being set-up, to include Nasser Al-Khelaïfi, Dariusz Mioduski and Joe Cerrell of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Further appointments will be made in due course with a view to an official launch taking place in 2025.

ECA Youth Football Strategy approved

The Board approved the ECA Youth Football Strategy, with a mission to become a globally recognised centre of excellence in youth football, to continually improve the youth football landscape and better protect clubs.

ECA Strategic Review

The Board approved the ECA Strategic Review, undertaken in consultation with the clubs and the Board Members, to develop the overall strategic direction of ECA and to better serve the organisation needs and its membership base grows.

8-10 October – General Assembly in Athens

The Board concluded with a reminder that the biggest-ever ECA General Assembly is taking place in Athens, Greece on 8-10 October.

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