الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Mars Egypt secured the fourth place in achieved export value

Mars a leading confectionery and chocolate manufacturer company, achieved a remarkable milestone by securing fourth place in export capacities and plans yesterday during “The First Conference of the Food Export Council”. This accolade was awarded in recognition of the exceptional performance demonstrated by the company in its export volumes for the year 2023, underscoring its prominent position in the global market and its ability to compete effectively in the food industry.
The first conference of the Food Export Council is a significant event honoring companies with the highest export volumes. This inaugural edition holds special importance as a platform to highlight the achievements of companies in the food industry and reinforce their role in supporting the national economy through exports.
This award is part of Mars’ efforts to achieve tangible growth rates during 2023, despite the ongoing economic challenges regionally and globally. The company’s export value represents more than 70% of Mars’ total production in Egypt, and the annual exports have increased by 35%, reflecting the success of its strategy and its market superiority. Representing Mars Egypt at this event were Eng. Osama Hellal, Plant Director at Mars, and Ms. Sally El Guindi, General Manager of Mars Egypt.
In this context, Osama Hellal, Plant Director at Mars, explained that the factory is witnessing investments of approximately $450 million and currently includes six advanced production lines. Mars aims to enhance its production and export capacities by planning to increase the number of production lines by 2025. The factory currently produces around 25,000 tons of high-quality chocolate annually, with plans to increase this to about 40,000 tons. Mars Egypt exports its products to more than 40 countries, including Australia, Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and Asia. Exports represent more than 70% of Mars’ total production in Egypt, and annual exports have increased by 35%, reinforcing our role as a major regional hub to meet the growing global demand. We are committed to delivering innovative and high-quality products that meet the diverse aspirations and needs of consumers.
Sally Elguindi, General Manager of Mars, commented: “I am proud that Mars continues to achieve success and growth in the field of exports. This award represents a strong motivation for Mars to continue meeting demand in export markets, where our factory in Egypt plays a pivotal role as a strategic center for the manufacturing and distribution of the company’s products in these markets. Additionally, we are working on offering innovative products at different price points to meet the needs of local consumers and ensure they have access to a diverse range of our highest quality products.”
Sally added, “Mars’ latest innovation this year is ‘Bounty Wafer Rolls,’ introduced for the first time in Egypt, which has achieved great success in the Egyptian market, prompting us to include it among the range of products we will export.”
It is worth mentioning that Mars began its investments in Egypt in 2001 and has become a leading company in the confectionery and chocolate manufacturing field. The company offers the Egyptian consumer a wide range of famous brands, such as Galaxy, Mars, Twix, Bounty, Maltesers, M&M’s, Extra sugar-free gum, and Skittles candies, with the factory comprising six production lines over an area of 82,000 square meters.

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