الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Juhayna Participates in “Ebny Bokra” Program to Provide Nutrition for Nursery and School Children

Juhayna Food Industries announces its collaboration with The Egyptian Food Bank in their “Ebny Bokra” program, designed to provide essential nutrition to children in nurseries and schools in line with the back-to-school season. This initiative seeks to combat malnutrition among elementary and nursery school children, particularly those from underprivileged families facing challenging economic circumstances.

Juhayna’s participation in “Ebny Bokra” program aligns with one of their core corporate social responsibility pillars, specifically the ‘People’ pillar, which focuses on enhancing the quality of life within the community. This initiative aims to improve the health and nutrition habits of school and nursery children.

As part of this partnership, Juhayna will provide juice as part of the meals offered to children, ensuring they receive the necessary nutrients for their proper growth and development.

In this context, Passant Fouad, External Communications Director at Juhayna Food Industries, stated: “Our strategy is not limited to providing healthy and safe products, but also ensuring their accessibility to all segments and community groups. Our participation stems from our awareness of the importance of promoting healthy nutrition and providing a supportive environment for the children’s mental and physical growth. Recent statistics indicate that at least 77 million children, or one in three, in the Middle East and North Africa suffer from malnutrition, according to Regional Nutrition Strategic Direction launched by UNICEF”.

Mr. Mohsen Sarhan, CEO of the Egyptian Food Bank, expressed his sincere appreciation to Juhayna for its partnership with the Egyptian Food Bank in supporting the “Ebny Bokra” program, which aims to nourish children in schools and nurseries and meet their daily nutritional needs. He highlighted the program’s significant contribution to combating malnutrition by delivering balanced meals to over 85,000 students daily across 22 governorates. Additionally, he emphasized the initiative’s role in raising parental awareness regarding the importance of healthy eating and its critical impact on children’s growth and concentration.

It is worth noting that Juhayna’s corporate social responsibility strategy is dedicated to establishing both local and international partnerships that focus on three fundamental pillars: people, planet, and purpose. This strategy is designed to foster sustainable development that benefits all stakeholders, thereby solidifying its position as a leader in corporate social responsibility field.

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