الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

M&C Saatchi Middle East appoints Cristiano Tonnarelli and promotes Munib Hamza to Executive Creative Director

 M&C Saatchi Middle East is excited to announce two significant appointments to its creative leadership team, further strengthening its creative offering. Cristiano Tonnarelli has joined the agency as Executive Creative Director, alongside Munib Hamza, who has been promoted to the same role.
With over 20 years of experience, Cristiano has an impressive track record of delivering award-winning projects across both local and international markets. His integrated vision and creative expertise will play a pivotal role in advancing M&C Saatchi’s mission to forge meaningful connections between brands and culture. Cristiano returns to the region after a successful two-year stint in Singapore, where he was part of the team that secured Singapore’s first Cannes Lions Grand Prix.
“I am excited to join M&C Saatchi Middle East,” said Tonnarelli. “I’ve always admired their bold thinking and commitment to impeccable craft. My role is to help our brands enrich lives and connect with culture in this fast-evolving region.”
Munib Hamza, a long-standing member of the team, has been promoted to Executive Creative Director.
“I am honored to be promoted to Executive Creative Director at M&C Saatchi Middle East,” said Munib Hamza. “This recognition reflects the incredible support from my team, and I look forward to pushing creative boundaries and delivering impactful work for our clients.”

“These dual appointments highlight our dedication to delivering outstanding creativity and value for our clients, both in the region and beyond,” said Ryan Reed, CCO of M&C Saatchi. “Munib’s promotion reflects his exceptional work ethic and commitment to his craft, his team, and his clients.”

“Over the years, Munib has been instrumental in elevating the agency’s reputation and has played a pivotal role in crafting beautiful, effective campaigns for our biggest client. We couldn’t be prouder of his success,” said Scott Feasey, CEO of M&C Saatchi Middle East. “His promotion highlights M&C Saatchi’s commitment to growing and developing internal talent.”
These strategic appointments empower M&C Saatchi Middle East to keep pushing boundaries and creating meaningful, impactful work in a dynamic and ever-changing marketplace.

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