الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

with a total of 7,400 projects inside Egypt export capacity reaching 63 countries around the world

Zamil Holding celebrates its silver jubilee


Zamil Steel Holding Company, under the patronage of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Industry and Transport, Lieutenant General Engineer Kamel Al-Wazir, and in the presence of the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia in Egypt, will celebrate the silver jubilee of the company on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the company’s activity in Egypt, and many ambassadors, ministers and officials of the Egyptian state agencies, a group of Egyptian and foreign businessmen, and many consulting offices, on Monday, November 11, 2024, will attend the celebration.


During the celebration, the company will present a full presentation of the company’s history since its establishment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1976 and the establishment of factories outside the Kingdom as well as what has been achieved in terms of exports to all countries of the world.

The event will also detail the company’s goals and principles, the purpose of its expansions, and the continuous development of design, engineering and operational solutions in its factories.


The company will present a detailed presentation of its activities and investments in Egypt and how it has positively and widely influenced in supporting industrial, commercial and service projects and improving the quality and economics of engineering solutions to serve the Egyptian, Arab and African markets; noticing that The company’s activity serves all the requirements of the industrial, service, commercial and military sectors, in addition to educational facilities from universities and schools, as well as health complexes and many other specialties in the fields of storage, entertainment malls, as well as power plants and water desalination.


The company presents what has been achieved during 25 years in its factories in Egypt to reach the production of about one million and two hundred thousand tons of metal structures representing about 7400 projects in various purposes and exporting about 450 thousand of them to more than sixty African and Arab countries, in addition the company has established three other factories in Vietnam, Egypt and India, with an annual production capacity of more than 250,000 tons of all kinds of metal products.


The ceremony also includes an explanation of the company’s role in cooperation with Egyptian universities, engineering and consulting offices, and the Egyptian Building Research Center in raising the level of graduates to empower them and qualify them for the labor market in Egypt, the Arab world, and all countries of the world.

Finally, the company will present its future plans in the expansions planned for the near future,
In this regard, the company will honor some high-ranking scientists and professors in the field of mineral installations, believing in the role of education and scientific research in the advancement and development of this industry and crowning these scientists for their prominent role in preparing cadres of professors and engineers competent to lead the locomotive of development in various countries of the world, in addition to their outstanding role in preparing cadres of professors and competent engineers to lead the locomotive of development in various countries of the world.

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