الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

A Year of Visionary Leadership and Exceptional Achievements: Keolis MHI’s 2024 Review


As 2025 begins, Keolis MHI continues to set new standards for urban mobility while leading the way in innovation, sustainability, and operational excellence. As a leading transportation company, Keolis MHI has demonstrated a firm commitment to delivering outstanding transportation services while Promoting community well-being. The year 2024 was one of transformation for Keolis MHI, marked by notable recognitions, influential initiatives, and strategic partnerships. This review highlights the exceptional accomplishments of the company and its dedication to shaping the future of urban transportation in Dubai and beyond.

A Year of Recognition and Distinctions

2024 was a year of significant recognition and achievement for Keolis MHI. The company’s dedication to excellence, innovation, and community engagement was highlighted through a series of prestigious awards and partnerships.

  • Global Stage: We were honored to receive the prestigious “Vision of the Year” at the Global Light Rail Awards, a testament to our innovative approach to urban transportation solutions.
  • Sustainability Leadership: Our commitment to environmental responsibility shone through with a second-place finish in the Sustainable Transport category at the Dubai Award for Sustainable Transport (DAST).
  • Consecutive Success: For the second year in a row, we were honored with the prestigious Nafis Award, a recognition of our consistent pursuit of excellence and best practices.
  • World-Class Standards: Achieving the ISO 55001 certification for asset management highlighted the company’s commitment to safety, reliability, and customer satisfaction, with a strategic emphasis on sustainability and innovation.
  • Customer Experience Excellence: With a 96% score in the 2024 International Customer Experience Standard (ICXS) assessment-up from 87.2% in 2022 and 92.2% in 2023-Keolis MHI demonstrated a resolute dedication to delivering seamless and enjoyable journeys for our passengers.

Commenting on the company’s achievements during 2024, David Franks, Managing Director of Keolis MHI, said: “I am immensely proud of the Keolis MHI team’s dedication and hard work, which led to a year of outstanding successes. These achievements demonstrate our commitment to delivering safe, efficient, and sustainable mobility while actively contributing to community well-being and environmental care. We remain focused on pursuing excellence and innovation, partnering with stakeholders to shape the future of urban mobility in Dubai.”

Employee Recognition:

  • Emirates Labour Market Award: The Outstanding Workforce award, presented by the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation, in recognition of high-performing and engaged workforce.
  • Internal Recognition Programs: Initiatives such as “Employee of the Month/Year” and the “Shukran” program celebrate and reward employee contributions, Cultivating a culture of appreciation and motivation.
  • International Workers’ Day Celebration: Keolis MHI celebrated the contributions of 52 frontline staff.

Strategic Partnerships and Community Impact

  • Cultivating Talent: We strengthened our commitment to nurturing future talent through strategic partnerships with academic institutions like the Higher Colleges of Technology and the University of Birmingham.
  • Giving Back: Our CSR initiatives touched the lives of many:
    • We supported community health through blood donation drives.
    • We distributed thousands of meals during Ramadan.
    • We organized special events for orphans during Eid al-Fitr.
    • We actively participated in Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
    • We partnered with Marks & Spencer Middle East to donate clothing to children at Senses Residential and Day Care for Special Needs, reflecting our commitment to impactful CSR initiatives.
  • Supporting Essential Services: Collaborated with the Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services.
  • Developing Emirati Talent: Signed an MoU with the Emirati Human Resources Development Council (EHRDC) to advance Emiratisation efforts within the private sector

Sustainability Initiatives

Keolis MHI’s efforts align with Dubai Urban Plan 2040 and the UAE’s Net Zero by 2050 Strategic Initiative:

  • Toner Recycling Campaign: Achieving a top-three ranking in Emirates Environment Group’s competition.
  • Community Harvest Event: Organized by the QHSE department, this event emphasized environmental care.
  • Clean Up UAE Drive: Participating in a cleanup event at Bur Ruwayyah.


Investing in Our People

At Keolis MHI, our people are at the heart of everything we do. We are committed to cultivating an environment that prioritizes employee well-being, connection, and growth through a variety of engaging and inclusive initiatives:

  • Caring for Employee Well-Being: Our summer heat relief programs ensured the comfort and safety of our workforce during the hotter months.
  • Family and Cultural Engagement: Initiatives like family movie screenings and cultural outings to the Etihad Museum, organized to celebrate UAE National Day, in alignment with the newly launched #ZayedAndRashid campaign, strengthened community connections and inspired pride in our shared heritage and the visionary legacy of the UAE’s Founding Fathers.
  • Promoting Health and Wellness: The inaugural KM Sports Day in February 2024 showcased our dedication to physical fitness and team spirit, encouraging a healthy lifestyle for our employees.
  • Strengthening Connections: Our annual Iftar event brought together employees, partners, and members of the local community for an evening of reflection, celebration, and togetherness, reinforcing the bonds that unite us.

Training, Safety, and Cybersecurity

Keolis MHI further invested in developing its workforce and ensuring a safe, secure operational environment:

  • Staff Training Programs: Comprehensive training initiatives to upskill employees, enhance customer service, and improve operational efficiency.
  • Cybersecurity Awareness Campaigns: Regular workshops and training sessions to educate staff about emerging cyber threats and promote a culture of digital vigilance.
  • Safety Campaigns: Company-wide safety drives emphasizing workplace safety standards, passenger security, and emergency preparedness. Initiatives included drills, awareness sessions, and safety toolkits distributed to employees.

Putting Passengers First: The “Think Like a Passenger” Initiative

Our “Think Like a Passenger” initiative remains at the heart of our operations. By collaborating with passengers and employees, we strive to:

  • Deliver a Seamless Journey: We’re constantly looking for ways to enhance the customer experience through data-driven solutions.
  • Offer Smart Choices: We provide tailored travel options to meet the diverse needs of our passengers.
  • Go Above and Beyond: We’re committed to delivering world-class public transportation services that exceed expectations.

David Franks added: “In 2024, our CSR activities have not only made a positive impact on the community but have also showcased our strong commitment to inclusivity, sustainability, and innovation. Through initiatives that encourage environmental responsibility and programs that enhance accessibility and equality, we have worked hard to create a real difference in the lives of those we serve. Reflecting on the achievements of the past year, we feel inspired by the progress we’ve made and the partnerships we’ve built. This reflection drives us to intensify our efforts in 2025, ensuring we continue to serve the community with purpose, contribute to a sustainable future, and uphold our core values of collaboration and innovation in everything we do.”

The 2024 achievements of Keolis MHI illustrate its resolute approach towards innovation, sustainability, and community engagement. The company has built a very strong foundation for the future of urban mobility by embracing modern technologies and forging valuable partnerships. In its foray into 2025, Keolis MHI reaffirms its commitment to providing a transport experience that is as sustainable, efficient, and people-oriented as Dubai strives for in its ambitious vision for growth and development.

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