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One UI 7 Beta Earns Rave Reviews From Tech Experts

Designed to be a true AI companion, One UI 7 beta has received glowing reviews from leading tech journalists and influencers for the platform’s redesigned interface.

Last month, Samsung launched the One UI 7 beta program — setting new standards for Samsung’s mobile AI with the integrated AI platform. One UI 7 seamlessly integrates AI agents and multimodal capabilities into every touch point, simplifying complex tasks to make each user interaction feel more natural, intuitive and uniquely personal.
One UI 7 will be officially released with the upcoming Galaxy S series devices. Check out the quotes below to see what reviewers have to say about One UI 7 beta:
“Samsung has absolutely nailed it this year.”
“Galaxy devices are going to change forever with One UI 7, and I think a lot of people are going to be impressed with what they see.”
“Well, it seems that One UI 7 is shaping up to be a smash-hit success.”
TA Tech Tips
“One UI 7 is going to turn your phone into an AI absolute powerhouse. Go check it out, it is absolutely awesome.”
“Samsung kicked off the Great Smartphone AI Craze of 2024 with its Galaxy AI feature suite in January, and the company has continued to improve its AI features with each new update to One UI.”
“I have to say Samsung is off to a fantastic start. I know there’s going to be a lot more AI-related features coming in as well. This isjust the beginning.”


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