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Harnessing the Power of AI: A Sneak Peek into How Samsung is Turning Complexity to Comprehension

Dr. Hon Pak, Senior Vice President and Head of Digital Health Team, Mobile eXperience Business, Samsung Electronics

With over 25 years of experience in the medical field and now as Head of Digital Health team at Samsung Electronics, I spend a lot of time contemplating how technology can truly drive progress in healthcare, rather than being just another innovation for innovation’s sake. That’s why I’m very excited about AI as it offers new ways to address many of society’s health problems by simplifying complexity and at scale.

In Samsung’s ongoing work to reimagine healthcare, Samsung is leveraging advanced AI algorithms and extensive technical expertise to develop solutions like Energy Score. This feature quantifies physical and mental energy levels through multiple health indicators including sleep, heart health and physical activity. Samsung’s vision is to include more comprehensive metrics like nutrition, mental health, and additional mobile usage patterns to provide a holistic view of users’ health status, powered by AI. It is important to note that the availability of these features differs based on the local needs and priorities of each market, ensuring relevance and impact across diverse populations.

AI holds great promise for early disease prevention through analyzing patterns and behaviors, detecting abnormalities, and even predicting potential health issues. By combining Samsung’s long-standing sensor innovations with AI leadership, Samsung aims to elevate its capabilities in preventing diseases, beyond sleep apnea and expanding to cardio-metabolic conditions. In particular, blood glucose is a big area of focus for us, and Samsung has been working to develop a sensor algorithm that predicts early signs of diabetes – along with non-invasive blood glucose monitoring technology and continuous glucose monitoring-integrated nutrition coaching.

Samsung’s goal is to support proactive health management, lowering healthcare burdens on individuals, families and communities at large. I strongly believe that AI will revolutionize the digital health industry and simplify the wellness journey for everyone. As a global tech leader, Samsung is uniquely equipped to make this a reality with their mix of technology innovations and a growing ecosystem of partners.

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