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رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

British Council Sponsors 29th NileTESOL Conference to Promote English Language Education in Egypt

The British Council is proud to sponsor the 29th NileTESOL conference, the premier event for English language educators in the Middle East and North Africa region. The conference, which took place from 31 January until 1 February, brought together over 4000+ members of the NileTESOL community to share knowledge, best practices, and professional development opportunities.
As a sponsor of the event, the British Council has invited Pilar Aramayo, British Council Global Head of English in Education, to be the plenary speaker. Attendees had the opportunity to gain beneficial perceptions from Pilar’s vast experience in shaping national and international education strategies, offering invaluable insights into bridging curriculum design, teacher development, and global education policies. Furthermore, the British Council sponsored 140 teachers from across Egypt to attend the conference, demonstrating its commitment to providing professional development opportunities to as many educators as possible.

Mark Howard, British Council Director in Egypt commented: “The NileTESOL conference is a wonderful opportunity to bring together the English teaching community in Egypt. The British Council is very proud to support the conference. Teachers are key to ensuring a high quality of learning and this is a great opportunity to come together and share ideas and best practice”
The British Council has been a long-time supporter of NileTESOL, dating back to 2010. At the conference, the British Council had a branded booth to showcase its extensive work in English language education and provide visitors with more information about its programmes.

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