الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

The Games of the Future Majors Showcase an Action-Packed Extravaganza of Global Phygital Sports

Hong Kong: It’s been a bumper week for phygital sports, as athletes from across the world participated in the Games of the Future (GOTF) Majors, organized by the World Phygital Community (WPC) members. It was a truly global celebration of talent, with participants from across four continents competing in a series of tournaments held in countries around the world. From the United States and Brazil to Bosnia, Montenegro, and Nigeria, to name a few, the GOTF Majors spanned nations in Europe, the Americas, Africa and beyond. These events showcased Phygital Football, Phygital Basketball, Phygital Dancing and Phygital Shooter, highlighting the growing appeal and potential of phygital sports on an international scale.

Over the past few weeks, the GOTF Majors have engaged the global phygital community, with athletes showcasing their prowess in both physical and digital formats of sporting competition. The tournaments serve as critical milestones on the road to the highly anticipated Games of the Future 2025 in the UAE. The GOTF Majors began on December 1st, 2024, and will conclude on January 30th, 2025, bringing us one step closer to the Games of the Future 2025.
Staged with excellence, the GOTF Majors truly set a new standard for world-class organization. From effective strategies to seamless delivery, each WPC member showcased their unique strengths in delivering events that were both professionally executed and culturally vibrant. The enthusiasm of local communities, support from local governments and the commitment of WPC members ensured an unforgettable experience for athletes and fans alike.
Dan Merkley, Chairperson of the World Phygital Community, expressed his admiration for the growing global footprint of phygital sports: “The GOTF Majors continue to demonstrate the extraordinary talent and innovation within the phygital sports community. These tournaments are not just about competition, they are about building a global movement that unites diverse cultures through a shared passion for this unique blend of sports. The creativity and dedication displayed by our athletes and organizers have set a new benchmark, as we continue to shape a future where the boundaries of physical and digital sports are seamlessly intertwined.”
Once the GOTF Majors have concluded, the next round of qualifications will be announced as the journey to the Games of the Future 2025 continues. Watch this space, as phygital clubs from around the world continue their action-packed journey on the road to the Games of the Future 2025 in the UAE!

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