الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

B.TECH Applied Technology School receives a delegation from the South African Retail Education Authority

 B.TECH Applied Technology School, the first of its kind in Egypt, specialized in sales, marketing and logistics in the field of retail trade, hosted a high-level delegation from South Africa’s Wholesale and Retail Sector, Education, and Training Authority. The visit aimed to strengthen educational collaboration, facilitate the exchange of expertise in technical education, and explore B.TECH’s innovative leadership in this field.

The South African delegation included Mr. Tom McNausey, Chairman of the South African Wholesale and Retail Education and Training Authority; Ms. M. Shingaatji, Director of Corporate Communication and Relations; and Ms. Zaida Dinwali, Second Secretary for Political Affairs at the South African Embassy in Cairo. They were warmly welcomed by Ms. Rasha Fathy, General Supervisor of Applied Technology Schools; Mr. Ahmed Yamani, Learning & Development, and B.TECH School Senior Manager; Mr. Ahmed Eid, Academic Director of the school; and Mr. Ahmed Khalil, Administrative Director.
The visit aims to explore Egypt’s leadership and advanced expertise in the field of specialized education in retail trade, and to benefit from the Egyptian experience in establishing successful educational models that keep pace with the needs of the labor market in this sector in South Africa.

The Wholesale and Retail Education and Training Authority is a leading body of the Department of Higher Education and Training in South Africa. For over 24 years, it has played a pivotal role in skills development, implementing innovative programs and projects aimed at enhancing the efficiency of workers in this vital sector.

The Authority seeks through the visit to consolidate the position of the wholesale and retail trade sector as one of the main pillars of the South African economy, and its crucial role in providing job opportunities and promoting entrepreneurship. Its mission is to qualify and develop a skilled and professional workforce that contributes to bringing a positive transformation in the sector, and its vision is based on being the leading entity in skills development at the country level.

During the visit to the B.TECH Applied Technology School, the South African delegation was briefed on the Ministry of Education’s goals, achievements, and strategic objectives, in addition to learning about B.TECH’s strategy in managing the school, as it is the first school specialized in retail trade in Egypt.

The visit included an inspection tour of the simulation models and the customer service lab, in addition to the playground and new facilities inside the school, which were admired by the delegation. They praised the valuable and effective role played by the “B.TECH Applied Technology School” in developing the community and raising the level of technical education in Egypt, and stressed that Egypt’s growing experience in establishing applied technology schools and specialized training in retail trade reflects its commitment to innovation and excellence in the field of education.
It is worth mentioning that B.TECH Applied Technology School is one of the most prominent initiatives for preparing youth for the job market. The school offers internationally accredited specialized curricula through the Qualifications Development Bank. It aims to equip students with theoretical knowledge, behavioral skills, and practical expertise in various fields such as sales, customer service, marketing and product display techniques, supply chain management, and logistics services. The school also strives to provide an educational environment focused on preparing young people to face real-world challenges successfully across different career paths.

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