الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران


Elevate performance, uplift team spirits, and create meaningful bonds via collaboration and building trust

Extreme (2)

 Challenge your teams, friends, or colleagues to distinctive corporate programs at Aventura Parks. Dubai’s ultimate adventure park boasts many unique programs that unleash your spirit this summer, guarantee fun, and enhance personal and group performance through special activities. Thanks to its distinct location, unique features, and expert team building programs, the park is an innovative and all-encompassing destination where teams can re-connect, engage in group activities, build trust, and spend some quality time together. Open during evening hours, groups and teams can enjoy the experience in a fully lit park daily from 5pm until midnight.

 Adventure Park Fun

The first of three programs on offer, Adventure Park Fun consists of three-hour fun in the open air. Set on 35,000 square metres, the corporate night boasts over 80 activities and 24 ziplines. Greeted by the Aventura team upon arrival, guests can venture into circuits such as: Explorador, Thriller, Aventura and Extreme – these four exhilarating experiences are set to make you bond with nature and teammates, guaranteeing a memorable experience that will make you look differently at your colleagues. The program is priced at AED 125 per person, and open to groups of up to 220!

Aventura Competitions

No fitness is required, and yet, this program is a workout on its own. Priced at AED 200 per person, this action-packed agenda brings the team together through fun and fast-paced challenges. It also encompasses access to a private fully air-conditioned tent. Aventura Competitions include 1.5 hours of competition along with 2.5 hours of dare and thrill in the adventure park. This program is best for teams of 20-200 people.

Aventura Spirit

Aventura Spirit” is a special team building program designed to teach and challenge the status quo based on custom objectives. With welcome drinks, facilitated team building and access to a fully air-conditioned tent, this option includes problem-solving, powerful engagements, and active collaboration. Prices at AED 300 per person, Aventura Spirit will bring out the spirit in you with 1.5 hours of facilitated team building activities and 2.5 hours of Adventure Park fun. Ideal for teams of 10-80 people.

These corporate programs are a great way to engage your team outside the office, build better bonds that will transmit into work, and increase team efficiency. Post-pandemic stress is real, and as we all learn to live in a new reality balancing our mental health and work, there’s no better way to ease the stress than to re-connect with people in nature.


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