الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Provident Real Estate Expands To The Palm Jumeirah, Opening Up Their Third Office.

Provident Estate concludes the second quarter of the year with a new office opening, expanding to the Palm Jumeirah.

Kicking off the summer months, Provident Estate has opened their doors on the Palm Jumeirah to a brand new office. The Palm Jumeirah is the world’s largest man made island and is known for its iconic palm tree structure. It is also home to many luxury properties, beautiful offices, stunning beaches and beach clubs, dining facilities and malls.

The new Provident palm office will work as an eco-friendly, experience centre and the company has made efforts on ensuring their new workplace honors sustainability and follows the UAE vision 2021 for a sustainable environment and infrastructure. With a huge shift in the importance of maintaining sustainability initiatives within recent years, Provident Palm is creating some extremely exciting plans that look to ease the stress buyers have when viewing properties and creating a smooth, sustainable way of doing so.

The award winning and highly reputable real estate agency established themselves in 2008 and provide a one-stop-shop for all things real estate. Offering 5 star service to clients, the team behind the company are made of over 200 employees, spanning across 22 nationalities, who are all ready to help with each and every enquiry. With the aim of being at the forefront of the real estate industry in the Middle East, Provident Estate provides the best tailored services from start to finish.

CEO Loai Al Fakir said “Opening our new office in Palm Jumeirah fills us with immense excitement and anticipation. Our dedication to providing our clients with the utmost level of service is at the core of our values. With this strategic expansion, we position ourselves at the heart of Palm Jumeirah, ready to serve our valued clients right at their doorstep. We are poised to deliver excellence and redefine the standards of exceptional service in this prestigious locale”.

With 15 years of expertise in the industry, a wealth of knowledge and multiple awards and accolades, Provident Estate have established themselves market leader and In April 2023, Provident Estate started the expansion by launching operations in London as part of their goal to go worldwide. The London branch provides Provident with coverage throughout the United Kingdom and enables prospective investors to physically visit the office and speak with experts about the Dubai market and the advantages of investing.

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