الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Following the successful launch in Shebin Al-Kom:

Emirates NBD-Egypt Inaugurates second-biggest Delta branch in Zagazig City

Cairo – 8 February 2024: Emirates NBD-Egypt takes a significant stride in its commitment to deliver outstanding banking services with the inauguration of its latest branch in Zagazig City, located in Sharqia Governorate, this branch is the second largest one in the Delta Region. This expansion aligns with the bank’s strategic objective to reach diverse clientele across governorates, especially in the Delta region, to meet the different needs of its clients, including individuals and MSMEs, and cater to their varied banking needs through an extensive array of services. This is done through providing a comprehensive range of banking and electronic services with the bank’s constant thrive to provide high quality services efficiently.
This step aligns with the bank’s commitment to sustainable development, coinciding with Egypt’s Vision 2030, which particularly focuses on enhancing development within the governorates and Upper Egypt. The initiative also reflects the bank’s dedication to implementing the directives of the Central Bank of Egypt to allow easy banking and financial services access to all segments of society, across all governorates, striving to achieve financial inclusion and economic empowerment.
The opening ceremony was attended by Dr. Mamdouh Ghorab, Governor of Sharqia, Amr El Shafei, CEO of Emirates NBD-Egypt, along with prominent governorate officials, and senior bank representatives and esteemed clients of the bank.
Amr El Shafei, CEO and Managing Director of Emirates NBD-Egypt stated: “The launch of the Zagazig branch holds significant importance as a strategic step supporting the bank’s geographical expansion in the Delta region and strengthening its plan for spreading branches all over key governorates to serve all customers efficiently. This inauguration is part of a series of expansion plans aimed at providing comprehensive and distinguished banking services across the governorates. The new Zagazig branch is the second largest in the Delta region after the previously opened branch in Shebin El-Kom in 2023.”
Amr El Shafei affirms an ambitious expansion plan, intending to open additional branches in various governorates throughout 2024.
Mustafa Ramzi, Head of Retail Banking and Wealth Management at Emirates NBD-Egypt said: “The opening of the Emirates NBD–Egypt’s new branch in Zagazig signifies one of the Bank’s ongoing initiatives to bolster its commitment to the Egyptian community, as part of its plan to extend its presence in the Delta region and governorates catering to the needs of all customers. The Bank has consistently endeavored to broaden its scope encompassing banking, digital, and electronic services to serve all segments of society effectively. The newly established branch provides all banking services and support to customers whether they are individuals or companies of diverse scales with the overarching objective of addressing their financial requirements and achieving the goals of financial inclusion.”
Emirates NBD-Egypt reaffirms its commitment to providing the latest and best banking products and services to its clients. Therefore, all the bank’s branches are designed according to the most advanced standards. The new branch in Zagazig is equipped with a dedicated lounge for premium customers, a specialized center for corporate services, and an area equipped with cutting-edge electronic technologies, aiming to provide a seamless banking experience.
The new branch has been thoughtfully designed with easy and accessible entrances for people of determination, in line with the bank’s pioneering direction to achieve inclusivity that caters to all community segments’ needs. The bank’s commitment is reflected in the creation of an interactive and comfortable environment that encapsulates the spirit of innovation and progress in the banking service sector. This strategic step aligns with the bank’s geographical expansion strategies, enhancing its ongoing commitment to its customers and supporting its plans to explore new markets, expand its customer base, and enhance its capabilities in providing exceptional customer service.
Emirates NBD-Egypt stands out as one of Egypt’s largest banks, distinguishing itself as a leader in delivering cutting-edge digital banking services. The bank’s extensive network comprises 67 branches spread across all governorates, accompanied by approximately 340 ATMs strategically located to cover various parts of the country.

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