الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Kaspersky appoints Toufic Derbass as Managing Director for the Middle East, Türkiye and Africa region

Kaspersky has appointed seasoned IT leader, Toufic Derbass, as the Managing Director for the Middle East, Türkiye and Africa (META) region. With nearly three decades of experience, Toufic aims to build on Kaspersky’s strong regional presence of over 16 years as the company aims to double its B2B and large enterprises business segment in the next five years.
Toufic is committed to bettering relations with regional governments and policymakers, in addition to promoting Kaspersky’s award-winning products and services as the region rapidly adopts digitization. His efforts will also focus on elevating the level of cybersecurity awareness in the region, contributing to Kaspersky’s mission of building a safer world.
Prior to joining Kaspersky, Toufic held leading positions at multinational software companies, where he was responsible for scaling businesses by forging strategic partnerships and executive relationships with leading private and public sector organizations.
Commenting on his appointment, Toufic Derbass, Managing Director for META at Kaspersky, said, “I’m honored and excited to lead a brand that is globally known for its innovation and is built on a legacy of over 26 years. Kaspersky’s strong market footprint in the Middle East, Türkiye and Africa region is a testament to its breadth and quality of products and services, that blend technology with human expertise. My vision for Kaspersky in the region is to showcase its unique capabilities, such as the revolutionizing concept of Cyber Immunity which plays a crucial role in reimagining cybersecurity.”
Robert Cataldo, VP Global sales at Kaspersky, said, “We are delighted to welcome Toufic to the company. For the past few years, Kaspersky’s operations in the region have been on an upward trajectory, with the expansion of our market footprint year on year. With the extensive experience he brings on board and his values that align with ours, we believe Toufic to be a perfect fit to further unlock Kaspersky’s potential through promising opportunities

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