الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

IPS 2024 Readies for Grand Opening on Tuesday at the Dubai World Trade Centre


 The 20th edition of the International Property Show (IPS) 2024 will kick off at the Dubai World Trade Centre on Tuesday, February 27, which is known as the leading platform for showcasing local and international real estate projects in the Middle East.

The event aims to highlight the latest trends and in the global real estate industry, showcasing commercial and residential real estate projects to a worldwide audience of investors, homebuyers, professionals, and real estate industry leaders.

IPS 2024, which will run until February 29, will attract more than 100 real estate exhibitors from over 45 countries around the world, along with the UAE, including the United States, Greece, Spain, Albania, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, Turkey, Georgia, France, Cyprus, Northern Cyprus, and Mauritius, in addition to the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, enhancing avenues for joint work, international cooperation, and opening up new horizons for attendance.

The event is supported by Strategic Partners, including The Sustainable City – Yiti, the Innovation Experts Real Estate Institute (IEREI), DigitME, and the Property Network Partnership (PNP), as well as Emirates NBD, the official banking partner of the exhibition, in addition to media partners CNBC Arabia and Construction Week magazine.

The exhibition will witness a package of qualitative programs and events, and on its sidelines, a signing ceremony of memorandums of understanding will be held with several local and international bodies for the purposes of enhancing joint cooperation efforts, exchanging experiences and holding joint meetings, to improve the reality of the real estate sector.

One of the exhibitors at IPS 2024, Magnum Estate stands as a pioneering real estate developer in Indonesia, reshaping luxury living in Bali through visionary projects and unparalleled services. Their latest flagship endeavor, Magnum Residence Berawa, boasts the world’s largest rooftop pool, showcasing their dedication to pushing boundaries. With over 150 luxurious apartments and cutting-edge amenities, Magnum Residence Berawa transcends traditional residential complexes, offering a lifestyle destination. As Bali experiences a real estate surge, Magnum Estate’s strategic approach harmonizes with market demands. With aspirations to redefine luxury living across Asia, Magnum Estate proudly presents its newest project at IPS 2024 in Dubai.

The two-day event program includes the IPS Conference, which is one of the main activities accompanying the exhibition and brings together elite real estate experts, senior officials and representatives from government agencies and international institutions, to exchange knowledge, experiences and visions and learn about the latest trends, innovative technologies and investment opportunities in the global real estate sector, in addition to the possibility of presenting ideas and exchanging them with various segments of the real estate community.

The second day will witness the IPS Startup Pitch Competition for emerging real estate companies in the field of “PropTech”, which presents the latest projects in the field of using information technology to develop and manage real estate, helping individuals and companies search for, buy and sell real estate, and how to employ innovative technical systems that allow technology to control all aspects of real estate.

The Young Professionals Network (YPN), in partnership with IPS 2024, will organize a global summit for young real estate professionals (YPN Congress) on the third day, aiming to bring together young professionals from around the world to exchange ideas, insights, innovative solutions, and provide a competitive environment to address current and future challenges affecting business flows.

The YPN Congress works to empower young professionals in the real estate field through five main events: the YPN Challenge, YPN Projects, YPN Ideas, YPN Networking, and YPN YouTube.

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