الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

“Contact Insurance Brokerage Unveils Advanced App for Seamless Insurance Policy and Claims Management”

Contact Insurance Brokerage, a subsidiary of Contact Financial Holding, has announced the launch of its new mobile application designed to enhance customer experience through a comprehensive suite of digital services. This app aims to meet customer needs and simplify the management of insurance policies, claims processing, and direct communication with the company.

The new app allows customers to view their active and expired insurance policies using their national ID number, with the ability to download a copy of the policy directly through the app. It also features a car claim tracking system, enables the submission of new claims easily, and provides access to a comprehensive history of previous claims, empowering customers to manage all their insurance details from one place. Customers can also submit and track medical claims seamlessly, and the app includes a service for renewing policies to ensure continuous coverage.

The app also offers a direct medical consultation service and the option to contact an insurance broker via WhatsApp during official working hours, providing immediate and effective support. Additionally, customers can apply for new insurance policies by filling out a simple form within the app, making it easier to secure the right insurance for their needs.

Equipped with a personalized health and wellness notification system, the app helps users remember medication doses, and includes customized notifications for women’s health. And to promote health awareness, the app features a section dedicated to articles and health tips to help customers improve their daily habits.

Mrs. Nehal Break, Chairwoman of Contact Insurance Brokerage, stated: “The launch of this app is a true reflection of our deep commitment to providing insurance services that meet our customers’ aspirations and keep pace with the latest digital technology trends. We understand that the digital age has changed how people interact with their services, which is why we are dedicated to ensuring our services are advanced and user-friendly. This application enables us to offer a comprehensive experience that enhances policy and claims management and improves communication with our customers more quickly and effectively.”

For his part, Mr. Said Zater, CEO of Contact Financial Holding, affirmed: “The launch of this app aligns with our ambitious strategy to achieve comprehensive digital transformation in the insurance and financial services sector. At Contact Financial Holding, we are committed to staying abreast of the latest technological developments and providing innovative solutions that meet our customers’ needs and offer them an exceptional experience in managing insurance and claims. This app reflects our deep commitment to innovation and strengthens our position as a leading provider of a comprehensive suite of financial services in the Egyptian market. This launch is a significant strategic step in enhancing our ability to offer distinguished insurance services integrated with our leading financial products, contributing to delivering real value to our customers and supporting their financial growth and development.”

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